17 - Act

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"Soobin what are you doing here?"

"You wouldn't pick up and I got worried so I came here-" He felt another presence lingering the property, then found out Yeonjun was with him. "What are you doing here with Yeonjun?"

"Y/N, haven't you heard?!"

"Heard what?"

"He- ugh."

"He what? Just tell me!"

"W-we can't when he's here. Let's-"

"Just say it here!"

"I can't!"


"It's fine, guys. I'll go head home now,"
He looked at Y/N one last time and flashed a smile. "Goodbye Y/N."

Once Yeonjun was gone, Soobin immediately spoke.

"Y/N, you should NOT trust Yeonjun."


"He still has something going on with Beomgyu!"

"What the hell are you talking about?"

"He- here, just look."

Soobin whipped out his phone and gave it to Y/N. The screen was showing Beongyu and Yeonjun talking together, while what it looks like they're being secretly recorded.

"Play it."

"Gyu, I have good news!"

"What is it?"

"We're getting married!"


"My parents arranged everything already, we'll get married the next month!"


Before the video finished Y/N paused it since he was getting overwhelmed.

So everything Yeonjun said and did was all just an act?

Was he planning to play Y/N again?

It was too much for him to cope with, so he rushed into his room without a word.

"Y/N! Where are you going?"

Soobin followed Y/N, trying his very best to catch up.

As soon as he did, he pulled Y/N in a hug, comforting him.

At this point Y/N was sobbing his eyes out. He had never cried this hard before.

"It's okay Y/N, it's okay."

(Two hundred and eighty-three words)

Quick, rushed, and boring chapter.

Not proof read! Please DO NOT hesitate to correct me in the comments.

Where Are You Going? (Choi Yeonjun x Male Reader)  Where stories live. Discover now