- END -

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Y/N ran all the way to the beach he always goes to when he feels sad. He doesn't know why but the sounds of waves clashing onto the shore, birds soaring over the large body of water, people having the time of their lives, and overall the ambience of the beach calms him.

He was lucky his house is near the beach.

Yeonjun left the house in a hurry. He got his phone out of his pocket, dialing Y/N's number. But before it could even ring 2 times, he saw Y/N sitting on the sand, looking at the setting sun. He immediately ended the call with a sigh and walked over to Y/N.

It seemed like Y/N didn't notice his presence, as he was still looking at the sea.

Yeonjun sat beside beside Y/N and looked at the view beyond them.

A few minutes later Y/N spoke up, suprising Yeonjun.

"Yeonjun." Y/N said, still looking at the sea.

So he knew Yeonjun was there the whole time? Was he ignoring him? All these wouldn't piece together but that didn't matter to Yeonjun.


"Do you love me?"

"Ofcourse. Ofcourse I do. Why'd you ask that?"

"Well... if you do..." Y/N, after a while, finally faced at Yeonjun, staring into his eyes before continuing his sentence. "why did you cheat on me... again?"

Yeonjun stared into Y/N's eyes, sighing and looked at the sea.

"I didn't cheat on you, Y/N." Yeonjun looked at Y/N, connecting each others hands, warming it up.

"I never did."

"Yeonjun, come on. You don't have to lie."

"Believe me, Y/N. The day I went out to meet my so called "friend", I went to my parents house. They forced me to date Beomgyu, because Beomgyu's parents paid my parents a fortune to just make me date Beomgyu. And if you wonder why I acted so cold to you even before the day I came there? Well it was because they told me beforehand. And they said if I disagree, they'll disown me. And I don't want that! So... so that's why I was like that."

At this point Y/N was sobbing, all of this was too much to take in.

"T-then what about that video?"

"What video?"

"The one where you... you told Beomgyu you would m-marry him."

"Beomgyu hired a person that sounds like me and closely resembles me to say that just so he could fool you into thinking I still am having an affair with him. But I'm not! And he did this because my parents finally gave up and stopped forcing me, so he had no choice and went and did it. I know this sounds so fake and unbelievable, but trust me, Y/N please."

Y/N got up and went closer to the shore, staring at the setting star.

Yeonjun, in a rush, quickly followed him.

He looked at his back, only to come face to face with Yeonjun.



"Y'know what's so funny?


Y/N walked up to Yeonjun and hugged him tight while saying;

"Is that I still love you."

- The END -

That is all for the book

Thank you all SO much for your support, it means alot to me, really.

Your support is the reason why I keep making chapters. If you guys werent here, this wouldn't happen. So, thank you, too.

Oh also this book will have a special chapter! So look forward!

And also anticipate for my next Yeonjun book!

This has been Sundimmm, signing off.


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