13 - Deja vu

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"Thank you sir."

"Thank you."

Yeonjun got off the bus and went his way to Soobin's house. There was no other place Y/N would go other than Soobin's house, unless he's staying at a hotel or something.

How did Yeonjun know where Soobin lives, you may ask?

Well, as I said before, Y/N and Soobin has been friends for as long as he can remember. So, Y/N would occasionally come there, sometimes bringing Yeonjun with him.

He ringed the doorbell and waited for a response


"Y/N, stay here okay? I'm going to get the door."

Soobin said and got up, heading towards the door, soon he opened it.


"Where's Y/N?"

"Yeonjun? What are you doing here?"

"I'm here to see Y/N. Now, where is he?"

"He's not here Yeonjun, get out."

"I don't believe you-"

"Then don't! Get out if my property."

"Hey I have every right to see Y/N-"

"What do you mean you have the rights? Did you forget you guys broke up or something?"

"I- so he is."

"...He is what?"

"He's in your house."

"I'm telling you, he's not-"

Yeonjun let himself in Soobin's house without his permission. He quickly stormed off to the living room.


"Yeonjun? Wh-what are you doing here?"

"I came to see you baby-"

"Don't baby me! Get out!"

"Y/N I want to know if you're doing fine-"

"Well you can clearly see that I'm alive, God you're so annoying."

And then deja vu suddenly happened to Yeonjun. Y/N asked Yeonjun where Yeonjun was at the time Yeonjun was at his parents house. He said the exact same thing to Y/N, that he's clearly alive and him being annoying.

Oh how the tables have turned.

"Y/N come on now-"

"Didn't I tell you already?! Get the fuck out!"

"Are you still mad at me for cheating on you?"

"No, Yeonjun. I am NOT mad. I've moved on. And I don't want anything to do with you."


"We are done. You made that decision youself at the first place. You cheating is the key to our relationship being over."

Just as that, Yeonjun found himself outside of Soobin's house.


"Hey, Y/N, are you okay? Did Yeonjun hurt you?"

"No, I'm fine, Soobin. Thanks."

"He really doesn't know what "We are done" is, does he?"

"No, he really doesn't."

"...You still love him, don't you?"

"Ofcourse. Ofcourse I still love him. That's what I hate about him. Even if he does anything unforgivable, I still love him. I'm aware of what he has done to me and his red flags, but I just can't help myself fall in love even more."

"Wow... so you knew all the bad things he does to you in your relationship? But you... you just... brushed it off like it was nothing?"

"Yes. And I know it's stupid. But this time... I'll try not to."

"That's good."

They stared at eachother for a moment, and Y/N couldn't help but get butterflies.

"I just wanted to let you know that I'm here for you. If you need help- or even just someone to let out your feelings with, I'm here. I'll do anything to protect you and help you. Okay? So don't hesitate to do so, hm? Do you understand?"

"Yes, I do. Thank you Bin. I really appreciate you."

(Five hundred and seventy words)

Should I just change this to a Soobin ff instead? Jk HAHAHAHAHHA

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