2 - Greco's Charity Ball II

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The party was just getting started, everyone was having fun and Jimin could prove that. He had just finished his "moment" with a know supermodel and a waiter. He watched the girl parede away and the boy walk back to the kitchen after heading back to the ball room.

It was almost midnight and everybody got together in front the big stage, to listen to Mr. Greco's famous speech. Someghing the old man would do every year before the real party starts. Jimin found his friends at the front row, he was anxious to see how wild everyone gets when the lights go off and the loud music starts.

"Were you having fun?" Yoongi asked knowing what his friend was doing.

"Just making new friends" Jimin found a place between him and Jungkook. He looked at the younger friend and notice Y/N by his side, she was smiling proudly of her grandfather, she was the most beautiful woman in the room, as much as he hated to admit, Y/N was also the most interesting. He look away from her and back to the stage, annoying her was fun and see how angry she gets every time had no price.

It was exactly midnight when the old man introduced the band.

"Now, the moment you were waiting for... Let's dance!" He said and left, but when the curtains were open there was no band or music, instead the most terrifying and disgusting thing.

A man was suspended with cords around his hands and neck, he had tape covering his lips, he was dripping blood in the stage, and in the middle of the dark puddle of blood his heart. That was a Nightmare job.

That face was familiar to Jimin, a forty-something years old man that used to work with his father, and the same person they got stealing guns and drugs from the Park's arsenal.

That way the bosses had to deal with this kind of situation was the thing that would make the boy go crazy angry. They knew that in this life there was no way to be kind and soft but the older ones loved to send messages trough big events and get the world's attention for them. A way to say who was really in charge, but in the way they would traumatize people that had nothing to deal with that.

Some of the jobs where so disturb that even Yoongi would throw up after seeing the damage.

And there was a specific person that was called to do those jobs, Nightmare, a person that just three of the bosses knew the face, a man with no soul, just a psychopath waiting for the green light so he can kill somebody.

Jimin looked to the side so he wouldn't stare that mess, so he saw JK was holding Y/N in his arms, she had her face buried in his chest, she was clearly shocked and scared.

"Let's take her out of here" Yoongi said looking at the same thing. So the three of them started waking around her while following the screaming crown out of that place. They found the others outside the ballroom and all of them walked together to a hallway far from the mess, Y/N was shaking and her legs where weak, Jungkook and Hoseok helped her to sit in the ground.

"Breathe Y/N" Hoseok said. "That was nothing, you will forget." He sat by her side and Jungkook on the other, the rest of them were around the trio. Hoseok was passing his hand up and down on her back, his touch on her skin made her feel better in a second. He focused his eyes in her tattoo.

"I want to throw up." Jungkook said. "I don't like the memories that heart made me remember."

"Nightmare is a psychopath" Y/N said. They were kind of surprised, they didn't though she knew that much.

"Do you know him?" Namjoon asked.

"No, not even his shadow." she answered.

"C'mon, your grandfather is the one who controls the monster" Jimin said.

"Such as your dad, Seokjin's dad. Do you know him?" She looked a him with anger, Nightmare would hurt and destroyed anyone and she knew that. But the monster's identity was the only thing her granddad never shared.

"His my granddad too, and he never said a thing about it" Jungkook said trying to take the tension out from Y/N and put it on him.

"He is so brutal, that is going to leave marks in everyone." Yoongi said. "The world media was here.."

"Exactly what our parents want" Namjoon said "Who is worst?, the psych or the ones controlling him?."

They stayed quiet for a moment, the silence was broken by Jungkook throwing up and then Taehyung.

"I'm going home" Taehyung said and Seokjin helped him to get up to leave.

"Are you ok?" Yoongi asked to the younger one.

"I'm going to be fine" JK said "It's not like Nightmare hadn't done something like that before".

"But why he has to be such a psycho?" Jimin said feeling outraged "I mean, I know we need to send a massage, but the party had innocent people, young people that has nothing to deal with that."

"Can you stop talking about that?" Y/N said like Jimin's voice was hurting her "I just want to forget that."

"Let's go, I will take you to your grandparents" Hoseok said and helped her to get up, he held her by the waist and they left. They weren't together anymore, but that gentle touch, after such ugly break up, made Y/N's heart race a bit. And he was just glad that they could still be close somehow.

"Now that she is gone we need to talk" Namjoon said. Him, Yoongi, Jimin and Jungkook were the only ones there. "We must-have to find out who is Nightmare".

"I agreed. It's all good now, but if one day the guy turns against the bosses everybody will die" Yoongi said.

That was true, Nightmare had that kind of power, to be real sometimes it was hard for people to believe that only one person could do the things Nightmare does. There were lower rank families that would say Nightmare was a group, and some untrustable people would whisper to the wind, that Nightmare were a group of seven young men. A.K.A the Bulletproof Boys

"I think we should leave this" Jungkook said.

"What? Why?" Jimin asked. He hated Nightmare so much that he would doubt anyone.

"Because the families have their rules and levels, we are a formation created to take care of almost everything, if they have others to make that kind of thing why interfere?" He said. "I don't wanna be the one who opens a man's chest and leave his heart in a stage to traumatized people."

"We have to know, all of us are going to be leaders at some point." Jimin said.

"Jin is the closest to be the boss, if he doesn't know, how would us?." Jungkook said.

"We don't need to follow the older ones" Namjoon started "I have an idea, but if we get caught it's the end".

"What is it?" Yoongi asked.

"Let's get everyone together first. But we will just search for clues, why just three families know him? Is he really a he?"

"How we do that?" Jimin asked.

"First we need to know who is going to be the next victim, then wait for him to make a move." Namjoon said.

"Are you crazy? Nightmare killed twenty people in one night, an entire gang, to kill seven boys will be a fun time in the playground for him". Jungkook said.

"I didn't say it was a good idea" Namjoon said.

"Let's do it" Yoongi said, Jimin was quiet.

"Really?" Jungkook and Namjoon said surprised.

"I don't think Nightmare is a psychopath completely, maybe he has motivation". Jimin said.

"I don't think Mr. Greco would let a psychopath around his family, especially after what happened with Y/N's parents and your brother too, JK." Yoongi said.

"This might help to find who is trying to destroy my family." JK was imagining some weird connections in his mind "Ok, I'm in".

"We will start the investigation tomorrow" Namjoon said and left.

It was hard to sleep that night...

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