9 - Broadway

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A month later Y/N found herself going in mission with one of the Greek statues of the group. Taehyung Kim. She was sitting in his fancy black limousine sharing the bench with him, Y/N in the left and Taehyung in the right.

They were going to the opening of a Broadway musical. The reason was Tae and Y/N mutual love for old people idea of fun and the appearance of really interesting people.

They arrived at the theater, it had a red carpet at the entrance waiting for the guests, and hundreds of fans and paparazzis waiting.

It was funny for her how people was oblivious about things. To anyone in that city the Bulletproof Boys and the Golden Princess were the best of friends, their social accounts helping a lot on that side. Always posting together whenever they end it up in the same places and referring to each other as friends. Y/N would still read comments and receive texts about her breakup with Hobi and how they were such a great couple. She had fun with the theories trying to find out why Jimin and her were never together, and the love of her 20 million followers would increase her ego very much. The boys weren't that active on social media, but were just as much popular.

People went crazy when Tae offered his hand to help her out of the car and lead her to the photo wall where paparazzis were waiting for them. Tae was standing on her right side, face marvelous like it was handmade by a Greek God, his all black outfit were making people fall in love with him, a British-cut suit and trousers perfectly shaped for his long legs, under the suit a shirt and tie, and his hair was dark and free, covering parts of his face. He was gorgeous. Y/N was in a strapless black dress, the silky embracing her body let her curves perfectly in place, together with the long black gloves and big diamonds on her neck and earrings, her long hair was pulled up in a elegant bun letting the others take a pick of one of moons in her back.

They were a perfect combination and people were going crazy with it. 

As they entered the grand hall of the theater a woman approached, she was small and wearing black clothes just like all the other members of the production team who were organizing the large number of people. The trio walked together through the crowd, both Tae and Y/N memorizing every detail of the building.

Marble walls, columns sculpted in detail by a talented hand, tiles with orchid patterns designed the floor and the path was traced by the black carpet following through the hallway to the chairs and the stage. The duo followed the path to the cabins, up high with a privileged view to the stage and the audience. The theater had six cabins in total, three in each side. They were in the second cabin on the left.

"You look good Y/N" It was the first thing Tae said all night.

"You look like you tried" She mocked and he laughed. "So what are we looking for?" She asked.

They were sitting side by side, he took his cellphone out of his pocket.

"Alfred Jones, 60, his the chef in the Manhattan General Hospital. He is well known as doctor, but sells and buy organs in the black market." The picture of a white, health and fancy man pop up in the screen. 

Seokjin found out that Alfred was making business with the Smiths, a small family trying to become bigger. It was an odd interaction since the Smiths only focus on street drugs marked, they thought it was a plan to still drugs from the hospital, but they didn't found any proof of that so something else was going on.

People were starting to fill the empty spaces, hard but the duo could differentiate people and look for their target. The light on the first cabin in the right caught their attention. A small group fill she place, three man and a young lady. Alfred, Phillip Smith and Mr. Kim.

"Your dad?" She looked at him like they were having a fun talk, just to hide her surprise. Tae just mirror her expression since he was as surprised.

"I don't know what is going on" His phone was in silence, but his dad's name appeared on the screen, he was calling.

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