7 - Grandfather's House

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Giuseppe watched his grandchildren left the home laughing and mocking each other. 

Those two looked more like siblings than cousins. He smiled with his own thought.

When the door closed again a wave of silence hit him like a punch, loneliness. He took his coffee and his wood cane to get up.

Giuseppe waked around the apartment, found his wife with a young lady doing her pilates class, he closed the door of the room and kept waking down the hallway towards the kitchen. The kitchen had white walls, a cream detailed ground and ocean blue furniture. The space was large and had all that a restaurant's kitchen would have, he smiled looking at the cooker and the helpers.

"Good morning, Mr. Greco." The woman smiled. "Are you craving for anything specific?"

"No, thank you" he kept walking. "The breakfast was impeccable."

"Wait, Mr. Greco!" Called the Butler, a fifty-eight years old man, that was working with the Greco family his whole life.

"Pierre! Please walk with me." Both kept walking, they took the back stairs to the second floor and walked down the hallway till the master bedroom.

"Jung-hwan send me a message today, about who really hired Nightmare to ruin my party." Giuseppe sat by his bed while Pierre went to the closet, the loyal right hand man started to pick what his boss should wear, still paying total attention in the conversation.

Contrary to what everyone thought, the seven families weren't really as close as they seemed. It was safer to show the strength they had united, however the smaller ones were always trying to raise the level to overcome the bigger ones. Because of that loyalty was all Giuseppe looked for, with loyal people around you it will be harder to fall.

The Greco family was one of the oldest families in the city, they helped to build up the city from start, the first Italians to step on Manhattan. A Greco knew every corner, every bridge, street and avenue of the city. They bought their place in society and thrived among the others, but after decades things changed and others start to come. Kiara Torres, Jung-hwan Jeon, Yoonjoon Min and Willian Park where part of the small secret society Giuseppe had gathered to walk by his side, all of them once were friends with his son. Namjoon, Jungkook, Yoongi and Jimin had no idea of how close their parents were.

"So his not a kid any more" Pierre smiled and put down the suit and tie beside his boss. "If you allowed me a comment, Zeus still is the leader of this family, even today the choices he made are the right ones." 

The mention of his older son made Mr. Greco feel his heart beating and it hurted him.

"I remember the day Jung-hwan came here for the first time, he was just a kid and now he found out what will destroy this stupid system of power families forever."

"It's that big sir?" Pierre was choosing the perfect shirt and shoes to fit the outfit.

"Mr. Kim, he put Nightmare in my party. He told the pisycho to kill a person at the ball to blame Park."

"But why?"

"That was a direct attack, and I was the target."

Mr. Jeon was a widower that got married five times after losing his wife and older son, he liked to play golf with politicians and win favors they would take a life time to pay. In spite of that, he was also a Yale student, graduated as the best from his class and college friends with Zeus and Kiara. The man was incredibly smart when he wanted to. No secret was safe around him, he was like a Sherlock Homes that always knew when people were trying to take him down.

Mr. Park on the other hand never wanted to be in the world he was. The man just wanted to be a chef and own the best restaurants around the world, he achieved his dream, but with a price. With so many powerful people coming and going from his restaurants one day he got caught in the middle and had to start to negotiate more products than just food to survive. 

The fact Mr. Park was so powerful, even without wanting to be, made Mr. Kim jealous and angry, he was planning to take down one by one of his adversaries and de cooker would be the first. Making Nightmare attack at such an important event, ruin the image of many. That was just his first move in the game, the second was putting the other two stronger ones against each other, and let they kill themselves. His mistake was being loyal only to himself.

"How did he found out?" Pierre asked.

"I don't know, but more than ever we need to pay attention in Mr. Kim, he must be planing something more."

"Sir, have you noticed how close Namjoon and Y/N are now?" Pierre put the white shirt and black tuxeto on the bed.

"Yes, her mom would be happy, that's why I didn't say anything" Giuseppe knew the girl more than she imagine, and in her eyes he could see she was hiding secrets from him.

"Her loyalty isn't an issue, but she has the power to start her own empire. Do you think she knows that?" Pierre was standing by the corner looking down while Giuseppe was changing clothes.

"What are you implying?" The old man asked.

"Nothing, I just think those kids don't know the power they have in their hands."

"You're right, that's why they're just kids" He was gone getting ready. "Let's go to the office, I have some questions that need answers."

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