10 - Taehyung's Apartment

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The morning started cold announcing the begging of November, the city was losing the Halloween decorations and starting to get decorated for Christmas.

Tae open his eyes slowly, trying to wake up, his lazy body fought to move and reach the alarm on the side of his bed, after some seconds he came to sense and fully woke up. He didn't have any alarm despite his own phone, the one he had lost the night before.

Tae sat on his bed looking at the ringing device, he set off the alarm and a notification appeared on the screen, a text from his father.

"Good job boy, now the princess is our new possession"

Shivers ran down he's spine, that couldn't be good. He's father knew about Y/N being a spy, so what was his plan? Why put her so close if she could easily find their family's secrets? Tae didn't like his father, he was good at pretending for everyone the man was an inspiration, but only he and Jin knew how far their father could go for power.

He clicked in the link his father sent and hated what it was. An article about Tae and Y/N, an official photo of the two of them on the red carpet last night and a low quality photo taken hidden in the middle of the night of the two outside the car with Hoseok staring at them. The title was The New Favorite Romance Story.

The article was saying that after a dating night and a very good ride home, ride being used as double meaning world, it was confirmed by sources that Tae and Y/N were officially a couple. It also said that Hoseok was trying to come back with her, but caught the new couple together in an awkward moment.

Taehyung got of the bed, he started to walk around his room nervously. Hobi left without an explanation the night before, and that article was no help. The picture was clearly taken by the driver and published by his dad's contacts, the old man had a plan and the only thing Tae could do was play along.

He stopped freaking out for a second and looked at his phone, then it suddenly hit him. His father had stole it from him the night before and gave it back without him noticing. Mr. Kim was the one who send Hoseok the message, and after got in Tae's apartment in the middle of the night to give it back. The boy fell on his knees shaking, he was being watched.

He started to listen his name, he was being called, somebody far away was calling for him, but he couldn't answer. He was too busy trying to breathe.

"TAEHYUNG!" His best friend ran towards him, Jimin grabbed Taehyung arms and took him back to bed. Jimin didn't knew what to do to make the panic attack stop so he just hugged Tae hoping his friend would know he's safe. Tae started to come back after some minutes, but he's body couldn't stop shaking.

"What happened bro?" Jimin asked, Tae was looking all around the room trying to find something. Jimin cupped Taes face in his hands. "Taehyung, look at me!".

"My dad...." Tae whispered, soundlessly moving his lips the minimum "He's watching me, he knows..."

"Let's go" Jimin hugged Tae's shoulders and both of them left the apartment. It was a Saturday morning so nobody should be worrying at showing up in theirs fake jobs, Jimin drove to JK's the fastest the traffic allowed him. There, Tae was starring at the elevator camera without blinking and didn't notice the door opening to JK's house, Jimin then, pushed him out and sat him in the couch.

"Hey guys!" JK said smiling, a smile that soon faded away seeing Tae's pale face.

"What are you doing here?" Jimin asked the girl that was peacefully eaten her pancakes. Y/N's presence instantly distracted him.

"We often eat breakfast together" Y/N answered unaffected, her face also changing when she saw Tae.

Both cousins rushed to the living room to inspect their friend. Y/N gave him her cup of apple juice and JK sat by his side patting his back.

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