6 - Torres Commerce Office

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The sunlight was shyly entering the room, and the morning was just getting started, but Y/N was already awake. She had 2 terrible hours of sleep so she diceded that she wasn't going to try to sleep any longer.

She went to her bathroom and took a long shower, there was still a little bit of blood in her nails. She washed her hair again and her body, like the bath she took before going to bad hadn't been enough to clean her.

After she went downstairs to take her breakfast with the family. Her grandmother was sitting in her usual place on the right side of the head os the table. Y/N sat in the left side.

"Don't matter how hard it is for you to sleep, never skip a night." That was Mrs. Greco way to say good morning.
Maria Greco was on her late seventies, she had gray/white hair that made her stand out among the other society women. Maria had elegance and style, that were inherited by the granddaughter. She was knew for being a model in the 60's.

She was a family woman that worked well along with her husband to provide the best to her children, and her intelligence was the reason why the family was so powerful. But after losing two of her children, she changed, Maria wasn't the loving mom she once were, now she was the cold grandmother that despise all the love she had in her heart, needed to find who was murdering her babies and that was all she lived for.

"About that Brandon, did you do your job?" The grandmother asked.

"Yes, Mama." Y/N took a bite of her eggs. For a coincidence her mother and Mrs. Torres had given her the chore to kill Brandon before the boys putting him as a suspect. Two jobs at once.

"You need to go at Mrs. Kim house, it looks like her son is acting weird".

"Well, Namjoon is weird."

"Not a joke, do you know something about his behavior?" Better than her husband Maria could smell when people where lying. But Y/N was better than a cheap lier, like a actor she could win an Oscar.

"He seems bored on the last days, maybe this little vacation you old people decided to give them made them bored."

"They will have a lot to do very soon... I can feel it." the grandmom stood up "Now finish the food and go, I don't want you to be late for the class".

She left the table and Y/N just kept eating alone. Steps on the hallway started to get closer and she smiled looking at the goofy face that appeared at the room entrance.

"Hi Lil' Cuz." Jungkook got in and sat by her side.

"Good morning!" She smiled while he was already eating everything on the table.

"You know, living by myself is too hard, I don't have people making my food in the morning" He said mouth full of pancake.

"That's why I'm still living here" she said stealing one of his strawberries.

"That's my favorite view!" A old raspy voice got in the room and they new it was grandfather.

"Morning Papa" both said together.

"I'm used to my beautiful granddaughter making me company in the mornings, but what for I owe the pleasure of my grandson presence?" Giuseppe gave a kiss on their heads and sat at his usual place, in the head chair.

"My dad wanted to sent you a note, so I just took the chance for free food and to give a ride to Y/N." Jungkook answered after finishing the pancakes in his mouth then handed the note to his granddad.

"I will get my stuff then." Y/N said and left the room.

"Are you enjoying the vacation?" Giuseppe asked.

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