8 - Jung Hall

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Y/N left Mrs Torre's office and walked slowly to Namjoon's Office where he was still talking with Jungkook. She nocked two times and opened the door.

"Cuz do you wanna get dinner with us?" JK asked smiling walking towards her, Namjoon right behind him.

"Sure!" She answered with the same enthusiasm.

The three of them walked together to Jungkook's car without exchange a word, and they kept it quite till they arrived their destination. There was no tension in the air, they just didn't had what to talk about.

After some long minutes and the stress of New York traffic they arrived the restaurant, the silence was broken by Y/N when she realized where they were having dinner. She came out of the car complaining and cursing, while the boys were laughing.

"C'mon Cuz, it's not that bad" Jungkook said when the three of them stopped in front of the restaurant doors.

"NOT THAT BAD? HE WILL POISON MY FOOD!" She screamed, she was with a mad expression, but in a joyful way that made Namjoon laugh.

"That's what you get for being my mom's spy." Nam said, opening the door and they finally got in.

"We should talk about that later" she said like it was a note to herself then started to complain again when a fancy waiter lead them to their table. The table was in a private area, it was a round table with a red silk couch around it. Jungkook and Nam sat down in one side and Y/N on the other side.

The Central Park Royalty was known as the most fancy, expensive and delicious restaurant of the state, like every other place like it, just a certain type of people could live the experience they had to offer. Y/N was probably the only one in the world who could hate that restaurant, and the reason for it had just arrived.

He walked like he own the place, he did actually, but that was still annoying for Y/N. He was wearing a orange oversized shirt, black trousers and Gucci sandals, totally out of the dress code. It was true that Namjoon was the only one dressed like a person that should be there, while Y/N and JK were looking like two teenagers in high school. Still, any detail was a reason to hat him.

He smiled victorious when he saw her disgusted expression.

"Well, well, well" Jimin smiled, Y/N could break each one of those perfect aligned white teeth. "Look who we have here".

"Shut up!" She said.

He sat by her side, forcing her to move further to the other side of the couch or he would sit on her lab. He put one arm around her shoulder and looked at his friends, who were doing the worst job at hiding their laughs.

"What should I order to our special guest?" Jimin pretended he was thinking hard "I think spaghetti sauce with grated glass and a nice bowl of chlorine would be ideal."

With a smirk in his face, Jimin glare at his friends hoping for laughs, but instead two terrified faces were staring the girl beside him.

Her eyes were darker, and were burning his skin, Y/N had slowly placed her left hand in his right knee and with only two fingers she squeezed a sensitive spot, digging her nails in his skin, making he feel a indescribable pain.

"We should fight, I'm dying to punch you." Her tone was steady. In response he started to squeeze the back of her neck.

For anyone they would look like a normal couple having a sweet interaction, but that would leave marks in both of them. They were almost reaping each other's skin.

"Ok, stop you two" Jungkook said, but was 100% ignored.

There was fire between Jimin an Y/N, it has always been there, a flame that was burningin hell. When she was 5 and he was 9, he would call her a spoiled brat till she started crying. Or when he was 16 and she was 12, she ruined his birthday by throwing a slumber party for all the teens they knew. And the last thing, the one that both hated the most, when He was 22 and she was 18, both showed up at Hoseok's pool party with the same tattoo on their backs.

"Tell me the place and hour princess and I will be there" his left hand was casually above the knife resting in the table.

For some seconds both just intensively stared at each other, screaming with their eyes the type of words that would probably take them to jail.

"Stop!" Namjoon hit the table, hard enough to jump scare the two kittens, but with enough discretion so anybody else could miss undes.

They split up and like two kids after a fight, they looked away from each other.

"You can kill each other when the job is done." Namjoon said and the younger just stayed quiet. "Now miss Y/N Yang, what did my mom want with you?"

"Spy on you" she took the lighter of her sweatshirt pocket, "How dumb are you to get this and let your mom see?"

He made a surprise face and got the lighter back.

"Martin gave it to me, he said we were loyal men and deserved."

"So you got any clue of what he was doing in the party?" Jimin asked.

"Martin went to the ball just to talk with Mr. Yang. It looks like Y/N's birthday is coming and they are planning a surprised party." Namjoon answered.

"AND YOU RUINED THE SURPRISE!" She said fake devastated, now she new that was coming, she hated birthdays.

"Sorry" Nam said and the waiter approach the table. In a little golden car he had the boys usual orders and had bring something for Y/N as well.

"I didn't make my order yet" she said looking at the perfect cooked meat and an unknown sauce.

"We always had the same things when we come here so they just bring the food when we sit" Jungkook explained.

"And that is what I order for my special guests, just eat the damn food." Jimin continued.

Y/N rolled her eyes tired, and ate the food. It was incredible, just like she remembers, the meat was soft and tasteful, the sauce was heavenly made by angels, each bite taking her to a travel.

"So did you like it?" Namjoon asked her.

"I've tasted better" She lied just to see the ear of the boy beside her get scarlet red.

After eating they order the desserts, JK asked for a big bowl of chocolate ice cream with cookies, chocolate drops and chocolate syrup. Jimin asked for a red velvet cake with white cream frosting and strawberries. Namjoon got the simple cheesecake. Y/N got a petit gâteau with vanilla ice cream and little blueberries.

"What should I do about my mom trying to spy on me?" Namjoon asked.

"I will tell her a half true, just keep being yourself"

"What do you mean?"JK asked.

"He trusts Nam and gave him the lighter, so there is no need in lying." She stole a bike from Namjoon's cheesecake, he didn't mind.

"What if she asks why the guy trusts him, Genius?" Jimin asked ironically, like she was stupid.

"Different from you, Nam has always been nice to me. He can simply be a friend helping to organize another friend's surprise birthday party. Our parents were friends once, she will like that."

"That's too simple" Jimin said.

"Exactly, people get caught because their lies are too elaborated, the key is to keep it simple."

Later that night, Y/N went to Mrs. Torres' house, she repeated her history to the woman, who was satisfied and let her go with no difficult questions.

Coming back home her grandparents were watching the news, it called her attention when the reporter announced that Brandon was missing, the youngest son of the mayor hasn't been seen since two days before he went to the Jung Hall, luckily the boy would often ran away from home to use drugs, plus, what happens in the Jung Hall stays in the Jung Hall, so the police would never find his body, and if they did it would be too late.

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