15 - The worst club in town

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Neither Y/N or Jimin spoke a word about the coincidence, their hateful faces would say everything. They were too late to go back and change, and neither of them would agree to change without fighting first.

Everyone started to head to the cars.

"You are always matching," Jungkook said.

"No, we are not!" The matching couple replied together.

"Haha they did it again" Tae chuckled and put his arm around JK's neck.

"Fuck off!" Y/N and Jimin said together, again.

She immediately got into Marisol's car, Marisol got in the driver's seat and they finally left the house. Followed by the older ones in one car and the younger ones in the other.

The street was hard to drive, filled with paparazzi everywhere, the flashes were blinding and Y/N cursed the time she judged Jimin for wearing sunglasses at night.

A random staff member from the club opened the doors for them and they walked the small red carpet to the entrance. Men were screaming from all directions asking the most invasive questions they could, till a very specific one got to Y/N's ears.

"Y/N! Are you already tired of your new boyfriend? Or you just left your loyalty in New York?" The question was said behind her back, and when she turned around there was no way to find who had said that in the middle of the chaos.

She couldn't see a thing, but long fingers touched her wrist pulling her closer, a sense of peace came to her after she heard Tae's voice.

"Who said that?? Can't a man and a woman be just friends for once?"

Another slander hand touched her, now on the other side and the warmth of that soft skin was well-known by her.

"You can be friends with everybody, even with your ex." Hobi held her arm, and Tae mirror his friend's moves. One look ahead and Y/N spotted her favorite cousin guiding Marisol to go inside of the club.

The news of their arrival would be spread around the country in a heartbeat, and whatever plan Mr. Giuseppe had was just starting.

"My dad will get really mad..." Tae said, Y/N felt his grip on her arm get stronger like he was holding her for balance.

"Well, that's just a little rock on your shoe that I will throw far away." She said and the big black double door opened.

The song couldn't be louder, the DJ was playing the most famous hits and people were dancing and getting wasted. The group paraded to the VIP section while all the eyes followed them.

The VIPs had drinks waiting for them and other rich people that none of them cared to greet. Jungkook had already disappeared into the crowd with Marisol and Namjoon. Jin made himself comfortable on the long latter couch with his drink in hand. Hobi was already dancing with random people. But Tae was still holding tight to Y/N's arm, they sat down with Jin for a drink. After drinking two glasses of champagne, Y/N got bored to be sitting while everyone was dancing.

"Bro, relax!" She said trying to escape from Taehyung unsuccessfully.

"I'm chill," Tae said not fooling anyone.

"Do you want to drink?"

"Maybe later..." His eyes were in the crowd.

"But I do, so let go or come with me." She dragged him to the bar and order them two martinis, if she was babysitting that night, she would do it drunk.

While waiting she noticed a couple making out on the bench next to her.

Jimin had found a pretty redhead to make him company and was kissing the boy as if his life depends on it. Jimin let go of the boy he was kissing and noticed Y/N taking down the two martinis at once.

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