4 - Jungkook's Apartment

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She stoped the car in the buildings garage, and immediately noticed the two idiots inside of a car nearby. She got out of the car and started to go towards the building entrance with Jungkook right behind.

"What those idiots are doing?" She asked Jungkook, who was clueless of the situation. "Your friends, Dumb and Dumber over there" she pointed to the white Porsche.

Jimin and Taehyung were clearly spying on them, it was so obvious for her that she felt offended that they thought she was that clueless to ignore them. Y/N stoped and took a look around the garage, than she found the others. Jin and Hoseok in a silver jeep. Namjoon and Yoongi in a blue corvette.

"Did you just found all of them in 30 seconds?" Jungkook was surprised.

"I know, too slow" she sights.

"She found you! Come out." JK screamed.

All his friends walked in their direction, all of them surprised. They all were wearing neutral colors.

"How did you notice?" Hoseok asked.

"Next time don't use the same cars you use to go out, everyone knows those cars." She said like it was obvious.

"Said the one driving a fucking red Ferrari." Jimin was whining in the back while they gather in the elevator.

"I know it's our daily cars, but it was impressive Y/N" Namjoon said.

"Finding people in a fancy garage isn't impressive, Joon" she was ready to tell them at once who she truly were "But it is impressive when you find out by yourself the secret plan of the most powerful gang in just a month"

They all looked at her, like she had fond a billion dollars in the elevator.

"What did you say?" Jimin asked and got slapped by Tae in the same moment.

"Don't talk to her" Tae said. Jimin couldn't believe his friend was serious about that stupid promise he made earlier.

"Pay attention, boys!" She looked to the elevator camera than the door opened "Seokjin, you should be the one in charge of security right?"

"How do you know what I do?" He asked while they were getting in the apartment, the men made themselves comfortable and she kept standing.

"Poor job..." She shook her head disapproving the older man's job.

Jungkook's apartment wasn't too big, it has industrial fashion, large windows and tall walls. The kitchen and living room shared the same environment, big glass windows provide the a beautiful view of the building around, beside the living room the stairs leading to his bedroom.

"I know you were spying just to find if I know Nightmare too, but I don't" she went straight to the point. "And take care when watching people, everyone knows your cars, you are famous in the city."

"Why are you talking like that?" Hoseok asked "You're acting like you are better than us, what do you know?"

"Because I'm Hobi." While a big part of the group was just curious about that new personality, Jimin was getting angrier, her usual personality was already annoying, a cocky Y/N was the last thing he wanted.

She continued talking about everything she knew about them, she knew all their jobs, their positions in the group, every secret. Jimin was analyzing her body language, he knew how to find a lier, but for his surprise, it was all true. The princess was the most important part of the empire and no one noticed.

"We dated for three years and I never noticed that, why didn't you told me?" Hobi was clearly hurt, feeling like the person he loved so much was just a character.

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