3 - New York University

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The ride home was quiet, in their limousine, no one was truly shocked by the scene, Mr. Greco knew that was going to happen and told his wife and granddaughter in advance to be prepared. But one thing was annoying Y/N, like an annoying mosquito on her ear.

Why did her grandfather know about that guy?

The man who died was stealing from Jimin's family, she was the one who found that information, it was a death crime but not that ugly. Judging by how Nightmare left things, the man was tortured before dying, why torture for so little?

They arrived at their house, in the most expensive building in New York, on the last floor it was their duplex. Y/N pretended to go to her room, but she knew her uncle would show up at any moment. Like a kid, she hid behind the door when the tall man got in her granddad's office. Dionysus had gray hair, a strong physiognomy and he was a good reminder of how Y/N's dad looked like.

"WHY DIDN'T YOU TOLD ME ABOUT NIGHTMARE?" She was listening to the screaming on the other side of the door. "MY WIFE IS PREGNANT! IMAGINE IF SHE HAD SEEN THE BODY? SHE WOULD GET SCARED. " Dionysus was furious, screaming like he owned the place.

"She didn't." The grandpa was calm and indifferent. "And if she had seen it, well, she has to deal with that if she wants to live with this family."

"And what about Y/N, dad?" Her uncle took a pause, maybe to calm down."She was shocked, I saw when the boys took her outside, all in panic. "

"Those boys are no angels. They have seen that before just like her."

"But she is an angel, she doesn't make part of this world." Little did he know, "She saw her parents and brother dying, she shouldn't see death that close ever again."

By listening, he really appeared to be worried, but Y/N couldn't believe in that, he has never shown any affection towards her or Jungkook.

"You speak like Nightmare kills a person everyday" Mr. Greco said. "That was just the second time Park has asked something to Nightmare".

"And you asked other three, and I don't even know how many times Mr. Kim has used Nightmare."

"If you want to be a boss you can't fear what you don't know, son" The old man said, and his son just got more confused.

"Dad, I just don't want that monster close to our family, my brother, my nephews... I don't want to lose anyone else." By his tone he was pulling a quite good performance in there. Y/N was enjoying like a play, more like a podcast. Her uncle was never close to any of those he just claimed he had lost, how could he be so hurt?

She heard his steps coming closer and ran to hide somewhere better. The man came out from the granddad's office, he went directly to the front door and left.

"I know you are there, my child" Mr Greco call for his granddaughter.

"Papa, tell me who is Nightmare." she went directly to the point.

"Was that an order?" He calmly walked to the little drink cart at the corner of the room. The office was pure luxury, wood table and furniture, a big book shelf in one side and a marble fireplace on the other.

"I know everything, you never hide things from me, why can't you tell me this one secret?"

"Because I don't know his identity, I have never seen the man, I don't know who he is" Mr. Greco sat in the big brown armchair by the fireplace.

"You trust the biggest jobs to someone you don't know?"

"You know, people doubted me, Kim and Park for a long time, they still do. But it's not about who kill, but who told him to do it."

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