17 - Unknown

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Jimin woke up in a California king bed, the light of the room hurting his eyes, but he had no time to understand what was happening nor were he was. Two strong hands held both sides of his body, and started shaking him strongly.

"WHERE IS SHE? WHERE IS SHE? WHERE IS SHE?" It was Jungkook's voice, desperate, screaming and repeating the same thing over and over.

"That's enough!" Jin said trying to make JK let go, Namjoon was also pulling the boy back, but that was like a mission impossible.

"What?" Jimin said it, his voice was barely there. He looked around and noticed that was his room on Marisol's house.

"Y/N, where is she?" Jungkook calmed down.

"I...I don't..." Jimin tried to form a phrase, but nothing would come out. 

"Y/N disappeared, you got hit in the head and Suga was shoot in the shoulder, he's stable, but we have no idea of what happened." Jin said.

"Tae and Hobi have been in the streets looking for her all nigh, and didn't found anything." Namjoon said clearly worried. 

"Who found us? What happened with the bodies?" Jimin asked, all the memories running through his mind "I thought Yoongi had died" Tears were started rolling down.

"What bodies?" The other three asked in shock.

"After Hoseok kissed that girl Y/N went outside, Yoongi was there too." Jimin started explaining the night before, trying his best to remember every little detail. When he was finished everyone was quiet, Tae found just Suga an Jimin passed out in the alley, there was no one else, not a clue of what had happened. 

"Jimin!" Tae exclaimed when he got in the room and went directly to hug his friend.

"Jimin, tell me you know where she is" Hoseok got closer to the bed.

"Sorry, the last thing I remember is she fighting against Guillermo" Jimin was calm on the outside, but inside he was fighting against the urge to runaway from that room, that jerk of a girl couldn't die before he killed her.

"Jin, go look in every camera this city has, find Guillermo!" Namjoon said and Jin ran out of the room, Tae right behind him "Jungkook, go take a bath and call your grandfather, I'll go see how Suga is doing" 

Namjoon and Jungkook also left the room in a rush.

A silence stabilized in the room, Hobi got closer to Jimin and hugged him tightly.

"I never thought she would react like that." Hobi said siting on the bed.

"What?!" Jimin was surprised "Hoseok you are not this person, stop it."

"What do you mean?"

"You love Y/N, you always had, but still you go and kiss somebody else in front of her."

"We broke up, I did nothing wrong." Hobi had a confused face, was Jimin mad?

"I heard you talking, saying you were sorry and all that bullshit. Even I know you're the only person she relies on."

"Are you mad with me? You always said I shouldn't date her, and now that I moved on you're mad?"

Jimin didn't answered, he didn't knew why he was that mad, he just wanted to scream.

"Look, I love Y/N! But how am I supposedto do anything now? " Hobi started to say "I can't make a promise to be there, it's all a mess. She's better offalone." He got up. "She has a way out of this life, I don't. I'll be there for her, but not with her."

"So why are you still so close? She thought you wanted to get back together." Jimin asked, he looked worried.

"I tried, but I got interrupted.  Do you remember?"

"So tell her the truth, let her be free."

"Let her be free or let the way free for you?" Hobi asked a little ironic, Jimin widened his eyes. "I tried to tell her and you interrupt, you interrupt right before I could tell her how I feel."

"I hate her, nothing more, nothing less."

"Yeah, alright" Hobi smiled humorless. "Rest bro, I have to go look for your nemesis."

Hobi left Jimin behind. Moments from the night before started to fulfill Jimin's head. He was in the hallway and she came out of the room in front of his, at the same time looking like an angel and a sin. How he was annoyed looking at Taehyung hanging on her arm the entire night. How he kissed the first person he could found just to forget the things he wanted to do with her. How she looked while dancing in a tiny skirt. And especially, the moment where he lost total control and she was the one guiding him, he wanted to feel that again.

"I do not like her, in fact she might be dead by now and I'm chilling..." Jimin said out loud so he would believe on his own words.

"She might be dead..." He slowly repeat the fact, like he was just understanding what was going on. 

Jimin jumped out of the bed, to change clothes then ran up stairs to find Hobi and Nam talking in the drive way.

"I'm going with you, that jerk owns me a punch." He said and dragged Hoseok to the car with him.

The night sky couldn't  be clear, the moon was full and the stars were shining bright. Y/N was sitting in a hill with the up view of the entire city of Los Angeles, she was feeling at home. 

Y/N looked down to her lab and Jimin was resting his head on her thigh, he was looking directly at her while she was stroking his black hair.

"Do you know what your brother told me yesterday?" He asked her.

"My brother?"

"He said he's mad at me for not putting him as my best man." While he was talking she felt like she totally knew what that was about, but at the same time she didn't. 

"I told him you already have six people, and that is too much already" The words came out from her mouth, but Y/N wasn't conscious of them.

"And your dad..." Jimin laughed "He give me the 'be good to my daughter' speech everyday, he literally call me on work for that."

"I'm he's princess."  She said , Jimin got up and faced her. 

He put a slack of hair on the back of her ear and very carefully pulled her close, he's lips felt like the inside of a rose, soft and delicate. The kiss was slow and within every touch she felt truly safe. He smiled after the kiss.

"You're my princess." Jimin rested his back on a tree nearby and pulled her to his arms. That was good, the feeling was good, Y/N could even feel the could breeze of the night.

Oddly it started to get colder, and colder. Her dream started to fade away, taking with it every hope she had.

The air was so could that it was burning her skin, something wet was rolling down her face and slowly Y/N started to feel her body waking up. She was siting in a cold metal chair, her hands and feet were tied, and her body was hurting. 

Her head felt like it was going to explode at any second, she could feel de bullet inside her arm. She hadn't even opened her eyes yet when she acknowledged she wasn't on the alley anymore.

Y/N opened her eyes, afraid of what she would see. She looked at herself, she was still wearing her dress, but she had no shoes.

"Good morning, princess!" Somebody said from the other side of the room. Y/N looked ahead, the man that was fighting Jimin was standing in front of her, blood on his clothes and a smile on his face. No words were said, just the look on his face and she already knew who had done that to her. Y/N guts twisted, and an enormous pain grew from her abdomen, she spit out blood.

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