11 - Yoongi's Airplane

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The jet could carry up to 10 passengers. At the entrance there was a luxurious little kitchen, the seats were large and soft in cream color, there were four in the front around a wood table, and four in the end. With the interior all clear, details in dark oak completed the decoration making it extremely elegant. Yoongi was in the second armchair with a computer resting on the table in front of him. Tae was with Y/N at the end of the plane, they had turned the seats facing each other with their backs to the walls of the jet. He was eating and talking while she was listening.

JK and Jimin hurried to the end of the plane where there was a bathroom and a kind of bedroom with a bed that took up the entire back of the plane. The two opened the compartment above the bed and took a suitcase with new clothes. They closed the door.

Hobi sat next to Yoongi while Namjoon and Jin sat next to the younger ones. One of the pilots came out of the cabin and announced they were ready to leave. The plane slowly started to move, and get ready to fly. Once it was in the air Y/N screamed and everyone looked at her.

"What?" Jin asked, heart in hand after she scared him.

"The picture, Alfred's picture" She said, Tae's eyes widen.

"I didn't delete it" Taehyung slapped him self hard "Dad called me and I didn't delete it."

"Relax Taetae, it's nothing" Jin unlocked his saved belt and kneeled in front his brother "It's ok."

Everyone there knew it wasn't ok, how could they explain that to his father?

Panic was growing inside Tae and Jin, but the older did his best to bury the feeling deep down where it would get lost, he needed to be strong now.

"Y/N, I'm sorry, but I guess I will ruin one more surprise for you" He said, she just accepted it. "Your birthday will be in two weeks, but the party will happen in a month, as we talked to your grand parent's they said it should be better off this way."

"But why is this important now?" She asked.

"Because we're using this time to fix things and get over with this Nightmare shit." He said. "Let's pretend this is a trip to celebrate your birthday, 24 in La isn't weird, and in a month we go back to NY to the big party."

"What if something goes wrong?" Taehyung asked, legs shaking and hands sweating.

"We don't have that option" Namjoon said.

"Now.. HOW DO YOU TWO END IT UP IN A RELATIONSHIP WHEN YOU WERE SUPPOSED TO BE WORKING?" Seokjin screamed, that was the elephant in the room that everyone was ignoring. Hoseok was far from them, but he could hear everything and that was something he wanted to know too.

"Dad told me to do it, to start dating Y/N and get her closer. All we did was act like we were in a hot date so the driver would tell dad." Tae started to explain. "But, he stole my phone and texted Hoseok to cause some drama, I guess he thought we were gonna fight and I was going to comfort Y/N. That driver took a picture out of context."

"So there's nothing going on with you too?" Yoongi asked the question written in Hobi's face.

"Of course not! She's my friend and..." Tae's words echoes in Y/N's mind. She thought he hated her the biggest part of her life, and the other night was the first real time they had spend together, how could he be calling her friend when there was so many ways to answer Yoongi. "And Hobi, I would never date your ex." With the last sentence she came back to earth, calling her friend was an introduction to the main topic, she was just the best friend's ex.

"And those purple spots in her neck? It doesn't look fake." Jin said, everyone stared at her and Y/N tried to hid them with her hair.

"Nothing happened! It was all fake." She said, her eyes meeting Hobi's eyes for a little second, something inside her felt like she needed to explain herself, to make sure her ex knew that what he saw last night was all business and nothing real. The kiss, was because she was angry, but she wanted him to know that was fake too.

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