I get it... I truly do

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I sat across from Angel listening to him tell me how he is wanting to break up cause he thinks I deserve better. much better than what he could ever give me.

Once he was done thats when I started.

"alright you talked and said what you wanted now its my turn and I want you to listen as I had with no interruptions" I tell him

he nodded his head.

"you think I want facy cars, or some guy who can buy me fancy things. like lambos, mazzies, or bentleys. well your wrong I don't like fancy shit nor do I want it. as for having a man who can buy me those things I don't want that either. I want the man that is my everything, my world, my reason for being happy, for loving myself, and for waking up every single solitary morning knowing that my world. my life, my love is right there with me and no matter what he always will be. now I get it you're feeling insecure and I'm not calling you out on it baby. I'm telling you I get it.. I truly do, I've had my fair share so many time. hell when I first seen you I was thinking to myself that there was no way on God's green earth or hell that some good-looking bad boy like him would ever go for a damn nobody like me who enjoys the little things. but when we got to talking and knowing each other. that did away with my insecurities of you not wanting me cause I'm not a somebody. now its my turn to help you with yours and trust me Angel I'm gonna do it. and I'm not gonna give up on you or us. I'm fighting for this relationship and I will do all I have to in order to keep my world just that. mine.  wont share you with anyone one else in this world thats not your bothers,or father. your mine and I'm yours baby. forever till we are taken from this life." I tell him

He pulled me close and kissed me before he rested his head on mine.

"I'm sorry" he says

"baby you've got nothing to be sorry for. you've not done anything wrong. it takes time to deal with these types of feelings. and as long as you'll let me I'll be right there by your side to help you when you get like this" I tell him

he nodded his head then kissed me again.

Ez and Angel Reyes imagine  (completed)Where stories live. Discover now