Learn your f***ing history

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Being part Native American I've dealt with plenty of dipshits who would run their mouth on my culture and think that I'd not stick up for my heritage. but they learn awful fast just how fast I'll stand up for my culture.

When I met Angel he told me about one of his friends being Apache and how we'd possibly get along having a bind of Native American blood in us.

When the two of us gotten serious I was introduced to the guys and I could tell right off who's native and whose not. 

When I met Taza we talked in indigenous language which the others didn't know what we were saying.

from there they all learned how I am when it comes to my culture and how defensive I get.

Today I was wearing my native choker and headpiece with feathers.

I was sitting at the bar talking to my brother in law Ez when some fucking piece of shit decided to walk in and run their mouth on my culture.

"why don't you get that shit off and wear American clothing? they are nothing but stupid redskins" they say

I jumped up and ran at them and tackled the girl and beat the fucking hell out of her. Ez was struggling to get me off her.

Once he did that's when the guys were finished with Templo.

"learn your fucking history you stupid fucking hooker. us native Americans was here before the fucking English settlers you fucking piece of shit. Native Americans are true Americans not your fucking ass. So don't you ever talk shit or mock my culture you fucking waste of space" I say as I fought against Ez's hold.

she slowly got up and went to come at me so I pushed Ez off and I shocked her in the face then grabbed her by the hair of her head and smashed her face on the nearest table.

"you ever come in here and talk shit about Native Americans and I'll show you just how we natives survived. I'll fucking scalp your worthless ass" I tell her before I dropped her ass and walked off to wash my hands.

When I walked back out I saw they had tossed her ass out.

"you alright mami?" Angel asked

I went off in Apache and no one said a word to me.

"what  happened and what was said?" Bish asked

"Aiyana was sitting here talking with me as I was getting everything wiped down when some girl walked in seen what Aiyana was wearing and she asked why don't you get that shit off and wear American clothing? they are nothing but stupid redskins. & the next thing I know Aiyana was on that girl beating her half to death. I was struggling to pull her away. once I did she said what you guys caught" Ez says

I closed my eyes taking claiming breaths.

I knew that Angel was close to me without having to have my eyes open.

"my little boxer," he says

I opened my eyes and looked at him

"more like cheetah or tiger" Ez replied

I laughed as the others did too.

"did you threaten to scalp her?" Coco asked

"damn right I did" I replied

he laughed more.

"tan malditamente violent" he says

"No Coco I'm protective of my culture. like I'm sure you all are of your Spanish culture" I replied

they nodded their heads.

"don't let no half brined nitwits run their mouths on our culture without going off" Tranq 

"same here" I  say

After fully calming down we all went about our day.


tan malditamente violento- so damn violent

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