Memoir tattoo

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Being a well known tattoo artist I had clients all over Cally. 

Just the other day I had gotten a call from Happy the biker from Sons charter. he head lost his mom and wanted a memoir tattoo for her. which I am more then fine with doing.

when I brought it up to Ez he didn't like it since Happy was the one who was paid to kill his and Angel's mom. 

I had asked him had they not taken care of that whole ordeal and handled the one behind the whole thing. and cleared things between them and Happy. which Ez said they had.

"so why would it be a problem to go and do this for him?" I had asked

"its not I just.. I just want you to be careful" he said

"trust me Ez I'm gonna be extremely careful" I told him

He nodded after sighing reluctantly.

I had spent some time drawing up different ideas before I settled with one that was a heart with a sword through it and angel wings. I put mom on the banner that I added then leaned back and looked at the final work.

Once I was satisfied I contacted Happy and sent the picture. with the caption. Pierced heart to represent the hurt that losing her caused you. he replied he loved it. 

after that we sat up a time and a date. 

Now here I am tattooing the design on Happy right on his shoulder since his front was fully covered.

 Once I finished and wiped the access ink off I moved back.

"alright take a look and see what you think. I say before grabbing the hand mirror and handing it to him as he walked to his bathroom and looked at it.

"its perfect," he says

good come and let me get you finished up" I tell him

Once I had cleaned it all up and put the wrap on him I cleaned up everything and removed my gloves before putting my things together.

"thank you for this," he says

"welcome" I replied

he handed me my pay and bid me a good day. I smiled in thanks before leaving and headed back home.

Ez and Angel Reyes imagine  (completed)Where stories live. Discover now