Devastated .....ticked off

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I knew that with Ez being with the Mayans and them interacting or working with Miguel that Emily was gonna be around. heck, I knew that she'd be around regardless of whether the club working with her husband or not.

As of late Ez has been blowing me off for her and I'm done with it.

I sat there at the table in Felipe's butcher shop knowing damn well Emily will appear and with Ez being here things will be as they have been. 

I looked up when I seen Angel,Ez, and Emily walk in the front door and I watched as Angel rolled his eyes before he sat before me. as Ez and Emily went to talk in the back.

"you ok?" he asked

"I'm devastated Angel" I tell him

"cause Ez and Emily?" he asked

I nodded my head before I stood up and walked to the back with Angle following after Felipe. 

I stood there listening and watching them.

"busy finished?" I asked

"not yet, so give a minute" Emily says

" if your a lawyer worth a shit why cant you do the work you're asking Ezekiel?" I asked

"I can get my licenses taken from me" she says

"and Ezekiel can get prison time again if he gets caught. or kicked out of the club if they find out what shit you're having him do. but you don't give a fuck. you only want what's convenient for Emily. everything has to revolve around Emily Thomas. if not your nothing but a waste" I say

"baby" Ez says

"no Ezekiel. I'm done with your shit as well as hers. so fucking pick right now who you want. you pick me you ignore this past romance that burnt out when you were locked up. you pick her you can forget about the one person who was with you from day one of everything. who never left your side or killed your baby out of spite" I say

He sighed and looked down.

"brother its not that hard" Angel says

"I know and I choose my wife." Ez says

"Smart man," I say before I looked at Emily.

"you are to leave my husband alone, never contact him again. if you do me and Miguel will have a fucking long talk about all the dirty shit you're doing hell I'll take it to the fucking governor and your boss and I'll ruin your fucking ass. If you want shit done have your cartel husband do it don't come to mine and get him to do your dirty work. cause the times he's done shit for you are over." I tell her

"you can't say that" she says

"I can. I have. and I did. now get the fuck out of my father in law's butcher shop lose my husband's number or so help me your ass will be fucking grass and I'll be the damn mower" I say

she looks at Ez before looking at me and leaving.

I looked at Ez and shook my head before I walked out.

"I'm sorry Felipe that what just happened occurred in your chop. it wasn't right of me to do so." I say to my father in law.

"no don't apologize it was bound to happen and it needed to be done," he says

I nodded my head and bid him a goodnight before leaving.

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