You're doing just fine

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since Angel learned he was to be a dad. he and I talked about a lot of things, from our doubts to other things as well.

as my pregnancy went on both mine and Angel's doubts faded. mine a bit faster than Angel's. but I told him that I'd be with him from the very first step till the last. and that he's not gonna experience this alone.

We had gotten tips from plenty of our family and friends. and what we didn't get from them we read in the expecting books.

when it got to where our baby could hear our voices Angel made it a habit to talk to them, whether we are just getting up or about to crash out.  half the time when he is really overworked or stressed he will seek me out and just wrap his arms around my stomach lay his head there and just talk away, his troubles to our baby.

I'd never listen in cause its not conversation. I just do whatever it is I'm doing while he talks with our baby.

After finding out what we are having he went out and got all he could for their nursery before practically locking himself up in the room he's converting into their nursery and doing whatever it is he was doing.

he'd not let me in to see any of the progress just told me when they see it so will you.

With how things are going right now with the contractions and all I'd say our baby and I are both gonna see the nursery right real soon.

I had been having contractions since ten a.m this morning and here it is already past noon and the contractions are getting closer together. 

I'm just waiting to see if my water will break or not.

I had already gathered everything I was needing and I already got dressed and loaded up the car. all that was left is my water breaking and Angel getting home.

Right when I heard him coasting along the neighborhood. I stepped outside locked up the house and walked towards my car right as he pulled in my water broke.

"perfect timing papi" I tell him

He walked over and see  what I meant and about freaked out.

"Angel baby. focus ok. we can do this, alright" I tell him

He nodded his head.

"let's get in the car and head off to the hospital and have our baby," I tell him

he helped me around to the passenger side and opened the door for me.

Once we had gotten to the hospital he had already had the words of our baby's arrival spread throughout the whole club.

By the time I had given birth to our precious baby the whole club was there in the waiting area.

I laid there watching Angel hold our baby boy in his arms.

"you are mine and momma's bebé perseguido" Angel told him

"and your daddy's twin." I commented

Angel looked at me and smiled.

"thank you so damn much Mami" he says

"I couldn't have done it without you by my side papi" I tell him

he smiled and came over and leaned carefully over to give me a kiss before straightening up and took a seat next to me as he went back to talking tour our son.


bebé perseguido- precious baby

Ez and Angel Reyes imagine  (completed)Where stories live. Discover now