not the only one good with bombs

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I had premade a bomb before I headed to the resort where the Mayans was to meet with the sons. 

its been quiet a while since I saw them. after loosing my father and brother I didn't have much left in charming so I left.

Now here I am about to see some of the men my brother and pops called brothers.

when I got word that The Vatos was coming I knew just what was gonna be done with that bomb. once everyone was inside that was to be at the table I snuck over to the van of The Vatos and set the bomb up before I sliced the tires of their rides, and ripped the connectors. then I headed off  back to where my hubby was as if nothing happened.

After I talked briefly with Chibs and Happy I bid them farewell before I watched them depart.

"you good?" Zeks asked

"will be" I promised

"where is that thing you were carrying go?" Angel asked,

"you'll find out in due time Angel Bangel," I say

he shook his head and headed off inside with Zeke while I stood there and just took a very quick trip down memory lane.

I saw the van park not too far from the entry path of the resort.

and I waited for their attack I knew was coming.

Once all hell broke loose and the van tried to get away I trigger the detnattor and we stood there watching the van go up in flames.

"damn" they all said after

"tent to Coco.I'll handle Riz" I tell my hubby before broke the dettinator down and disorder of it so no one could find any traces.

After I worked on Riz and got him taken care off. I walked out and seen the guys looking at me.

"what?" I asked

"want to expaln what happened?" Bis asked

"lets just say my brother. rest his giant ass soul.. wasn't the only one whos good with bombs" I say

they all grinned before clapping me on the back and hugged me.

"thank you for what you done. Opie would be very proud of you" Taza says

"you guys are my family. and I'd do anything to protect my family. and I know he would be" I replied

they all smiled before we all called it a night and left while Creeper and Taza stayed behind to watch over Riz.

"he's under excellent care. and when he's realased I'll take over tending to him" I assured them

they all nodded knowing just how damn good of a doctor I am.

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