Horse ride(Angel)

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I knew that what I had planned to do with Angel may not fall through. but I'm hoping that he will do this with me.

I had set up where the two of us would go horse riding like one a date. I told the horse ranch owner that we'd ride one just in case my fiance wasn't comfortable riding alone. which they told me it's fine.

So now all that's left is getting Angel to come with me to the ranch.

"Hey Angel baby" I called out

"Yea mami?" he replied

I walked through our house to where he was.

"wanna go on a date with me?" I asked

He looked from whatever he was doing over at me.

"what?" he asked

"asked if you wanna go on a date with me" I repeated

"what kind of date?" he asked

"hopefully the kind we'll enjoy" I replied

"thats all I'm getting?" he asked

I looked at him as my shoulders slumped.

"Yes or no " I say

"why do we need to go on a date when we are engaged?" he asked

I sighed.

"forget it Angel" I say as I walked away from where he was and grabbed the keys.

"Where you going?" he asked

"taking myself on a date" I replied before walking out the door.

I heard him cursing before he walked out and followed me.

"wait baby" he says

I unlocked my car.

"what?" I asked

"I'll come too." he says

"I'm not forcing you to come Angel" I tell him

"yea but its my job to come with you on dates. I mean you was generous to come when I asked and hell you even agreed to marry me so this is the lease I can do while you put up with my shit" he says

"thank you" I tell him

"uh-huh" he says as we get in the car.

Once we finally arrive he looked at me confused.

"where are we?" he asked

"horse ranch" I replied as I climbed out and walked over to the owner and talked to them while Angel slowly made his way over.

"we have one saddled up and ready to go" the owner says 

I looked back at Angel.

"come on" I say before taking hold of his hand and following the owner inside where I seen a really beautiful black horse sadled up and ready to ride.

"woah. so beautiful" I say as we walked closer.

"Storm is her name" the owner says

I took my time petting her while Angel looked as if he wanted to be far from her and here.

"you ready?" the owner asked

"yes" I replied

"no" Angel says

"thats fine, you can watch" I tell him as I let go and climbed up on Storm.

"please be careful" Angel says

"she's got nothing to worry with this girl. Storm is an excellent horse and wouldn't harm any rider" the owner assured him.

"where can I take her?" I asked

"he in the ring and the trail if you want" the owner says

"alright thank you" I say

"just bring her back and one of the hands will take over from there" the owner says

"will do" I say

Once the owner walked off I looked at Angel.

"wanna join me?" I asked

"I'll stick with bikes" he says

I shrugged and walked off taking Storm for a few laps around the ring.

"I'll be back later. try not to miss me too much" I tell Angel

He looked at me and signed before walking up.

"How do I get on her?" he asked

I told him how before I offered my hand and helped him up and right behind me.

"like I do with you on your bike . you hold on" I tell him

"I trust you," he says

"as I do with you on your death wheels," I say before taking us outta the stable and heading off towards the trail.

After while we got to the top of the trail and climbed off for a while.

"wasn't to bad" Angel says

"fun huh?" I asked

"don't get to excited i said wasn't to bad" he says

"wanna go back?" I asked

"alright" he say

I let him climb up first before I climb on and turned the reins so Storm knew which way I was wanting to go.

after we got back and the ranch hand took over once Angel and I climbed off. I thanked them and the owner before we left.

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