Club birth (Angel)

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I didnt think that spending time at the clubhouse would end in the result of mine and Angel's baby being born.

But it happened none the less and about freaked Angel out.

I was sitting by Letty talking with her when the contraction hit.I winched a bit before I got situated and relax.

"you ok?" Letty asked

"I'm good" I tell her

she nodded and we continued our talk till she walked off to do something.

 i got up and headed to the bathroom when the contractions worsened and things got going right as my water broke. stagged 

I peaked out the bathroom door and seen Ez.

"Hey Ez mind getting your brother for me please doll?" I asked

He looked at me and nodded before walking out the door while I shut the bathroom door and started filling up the tub with warm water.

I heard knocking on the door so I covered myself and stepped behind it and opened it up.

"whats up Mami?" Angel asked

"Our baby is coming" I tell him

his face paled and he all but staggered back into one of his brothers.

"you alright bro?" Creeper asked

he shook his head

Creeper looked at me

"I'm in labor and he's freakign out." I expliend

Creepers eyes widen before he straigthed Angel up and slapping him in the face a few time.

"get your shit together man your girl is having your kid and she needs you" Creeper says

I could hear the others talking but I watched as Angel nodded.

"what can I help with?" Creeper asked

"towels, and scissors, and get that small blanket from my car" I tell him

he nodded while Angel came back to me with out his Kutte on and his rings off.

"tell me what to do mami" he says

"I'm gonna get in the tub and I need you to kneel down and feel to see if you can notice a head or anything," I tell him

"Alright," he says

I moved out of the way as he slipped into the bathroom and shut the door while I slipped into the tub after removing the towel.

Once we had all the items together it was left up to me and Angel to go through this whole thing.

"We can do this," I tell him

he nodded

"you ready to deliver your first child?" I asked

"I'm scared but I know I can do it as long as you're with me," he says

"good. cause I need you as much as you need me right now" I tell him

hours had passed and all that was heard was my screams and Angel's reassuring words that we are almost there and that before long our baby will be born.

After a few more pushes Angel told me that the head was out. I took a huge deep breath and gripped the side of the tub with all my might and pushed with every bit of fiber I had in me.

"she's here" he says

I sat back and pant as I watch Angel hold our baby girl.

"you did so amazing mami" he says as he hands her to me and grabs the towel to clean her up with.

After everything gets taken care of and I am able to move Angel clears everything out while I carefully get dressed and move to the clubhouse where the others are waiting.

"she's here" I announced

"Ellena is here" Angel says

they guys cheered and whistled before going quiet as she starts getting fussy.

 I take the blanket and cover myself before I get my shirt unfastened and lay Ellena at my chest so she could eat.

"congratulations brother" Ez says

"you as well sis" he says as he walked over and kissed the top of my head

"its not something I wanna go through anytime soon." ANgel says

"wait till he gets horny that whole not wanting to knock up his wife will be long forgotten" Hank joked

I smirked while Angel shook his head before he looked at me and smiled then leaned down and kissed me.

"thank you" he says

"thank you" I replied

he nodded his head.

Ez and Angel Reyes imagine  (completed)Where stories live. Discover now