Horse ride ( Ez)

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I was surrpised when Ez brought me to a riding stable.

"hope you'll like this" he says when we walked inside.

"Oh I will" I assured him

"good" he says while smiling

After we greeted the worker and Ez told them he was the one called last week about horse riding.

So they took us to where the two horses was they we'd be riding and gave us a brief run down of the horses and how to handle them as well as ride.

"I call the one with the white face and light hair" I say

"thats ironically blondie," the worker says

"awe" I say as I walked over to Blondie and petted her.

"And this big guy here is Moose" the worker says

"sorta build like one" Ez says as he walked over to Moose.

"in a way he does" the worker says

After the horses got use to us, we were allowed to mount up and take them for a few practice laps.

"feel comfortable and confidant?" the worker asked

"yes ma'am" we both said

"alright. have fun, and your more than welcome to go on the trails" she says

"thank you" I say

 she nodded and walked off while Ez and I walked out the stable and headed towards one of the trails.

"thank you so much for this" I say

"I always wanted to ride a horse and I thought why not make it a date" he says

"its very sweet and romantic" I tell him

"glad you like it" he says

"oh very much" I say before focusing back on the trail as the two of us rode side by side.

"You look real good there on Moose. just need some assless chaps and a cowboy hat and you'd be a mighty sexy cowboy" I commented

He chuckled

"you think so?" he asked

"oh baby I know so," I tell him

Once we reached the top of the trail which was an open field we started to run the horses and just let them be free before taking a break and climbing off them so they can real for a while without weight on them.

After a while we headed back and climbed off handing the reins to the worker and thanked her again as we said goodbye to the horses and the worker then left.

"now where to cowboy?" I asked while smiling

"home" he says

"good now I can save a horse and ride my biker" I say as I got in the car

He laughed and shook his head before climbing in.

" love you Ez" I tell him

"Love you to mama," he says before kissing me then sat straight in the driver's seat.

We got home and headed for the shower where I did just as I told him I'd do. 

Ez and Angel Reyes imagine  (completed)Where stories live. Discover now