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I was talking with Letty and we was joking around being weird.

"watch this baby girl. I'm gonna scare to Angel" I tell her before I got up and took off then jumped on Angel's back.

he cursed before he grabbed me and hoisted me up as I kissed his cheek.

"Easy mi Ángel its only me" I tell him

"you scared the fuck outta me" he says

"I know it was the whole point" I replied

 he looked at me and I pecked his lips.

"would you be gentleman enough to give me a piggy back right back over to Letty please papi?" I asked

"fine" he says before doing as I asked

I smiled as I held onto him.

when he got Letty I hopped off and he turned to look at me.

"no more scarying me" he says

"now where is the fun in the mi Ángel?" I asked

"tu suerte es que te quiero" he says

"Awe come on mi Ángel I gotta keep you on your toes and make sure your ticker is still ticking" I say with a smile

Letty and Ez who was breifed on what was going on by Letty was laughing.

" Te quiero mi amor" I tell him

he grinned before leaning down to kiss me as I wrapped my arms around his neck and he rested his forehead against mine.

"y te quiero mami" he replied

"forever" I say

he nodded

"till the Mayans take me away" he says

I pecked his lips before he held me to him to make the kiss linger.


tu suerte es que te quiero- your lucky that I love you

Te quiero mi amor- I love you my love

Ez and Angel Reyes imagine  (completed)Where stories live. Discover now