Special bonus chapter: ZuMbA

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All original Santro padre members~

it took plenty of pleading and bribing on my part to get all the guys to do at home Zumba with me.

I told them no one but the ones in the room would know that this ever happened. and that it was at my place with no danger or risk of someone showing up and seeing them doing the workout.

After what seemed like endless and constant pleading they caved and agreed to do it.

I told them all what they'd need to bring and what wasn't needed.

Now here we are half way through and the guys are looking like a total mess. Bishop was looking like he wanted to slaughter the whole lot of us. Coco an Angel was acting like misbehaved children. Ez was fine with the whole ordeal along with Hank. while Gilly and Creeper looked as if they've never done anything like this in all their born days. Taza was just like Bishop secretly plotting revenge or murder. Riz was mockingGilly and Creeper which made them two look at him as if he was to be their victim.

"alright we will take a break and then come back" I announced

"fuck that shit. I quit. no more" Bishop says

"whats wrong?"  I asked

"whats wrong?" he repeated my question

I nodded my head

"I'm about to commit a murder if I have to do anymore of this zumboom shit" he says

"its Zumba" Angel says

Bishop grabbed the closes thing to him and flung it at Angel nailing him in the stomach making Angel double over and groan.

"anyone else quitting?" I asked

"fuck yes" Gilly says

"me as well"Creeper says

"I second what Bishop said" Taza says

"that's fine" I tell them

they took a seat and I got them some gatorade.

"give me beer" Bishop says

"this replaces the electrolytes you lost during your exercise " I explained 

He mad a mean face as he took the drink.

"thank you for doing this with me. it means a lot to get to spend time with my family. despite some of you acting like overgrown mature kids, and half wanting to plot murders while some want to gain up on poor Riz" I say

"never again," Bishop says

I nodded my head before I went and grabbed my propel water.

"so this is the shit you teach at the local center?" Ez asked

"Yea. its to get those who feel as though the gym is too over crowded. and they enjoy the whole beat of the music" I replied

"maybe I should join. it was fun" he says

"cause your build like a boulder" Gilly says

"and you was in the military yet you act like you've never done military training in your life," Ez says

"That was a long time ago." Gilly says

I sat there listening to them all bicker and whine about the whole thing.


was asked for by a reader. 

Yes I know I said who would be in the bounce chapters which is why this is labeled speical.

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