don't you dare...

573 17 2

Me and the guys are like family. of course me being married to one of them practically made it solid.

and the times they've known me they learned that while I'm in the clubhouse alone, I will put on some Elvis Presley music and clean. That said they know when they come in and he's still playing not to touch the music. or they will carry an ass whopping. 

Half the time they will do it to rib me or just to fuck with me and I'll either hit them with a broom or I will flick them with a towel that may be wet.

Right now I'm the only one in the clubhouse so that means that Elvis is playing. 

the guys are either at the scrapyard, chilling outside, or on club run. while I'm cleaning the clubhouse.

I could hear some of the guys come in and I knew there was some visiting charter here when I heard.

"what the fuck is that shit playing?"

I looked up and watched as some fucker was about to touch my music.

"Dont you dare" I say

he looks at me.

"fuck you" he says

"fucking touch that music and I'll whop your fucking ass mayan or not I don't give two fucks" I warned

He laughed and touched me music  I walked over and socked him so damn hard in the face he dropped.

"touch it again motherfucker and I'll give you two fucking black eyes" I warned before I turned the music back on and went back to what I was doing.

the dipshit apparently is def or wants to get his fucking ass beat by a woman cause he got up and messed with my music and destroyed my speaker.

so this time I walked over kneed him in the dick making him drop before I commenced to beating the fuck out of him.

"never fucking touch my Elvis Presley music you piece of shit" I say

"damn mama you fucked him up" Coco says as he and Gilly along with Hank and Creeper stood there laughing.

"touch his fucking ass not to touch my Elvis music," I replied as I gathered my things and turned the music off before I tossed the speaker.

when Alveraz and Bis walked in they saw the dude laying there beaten and bloodied.

"he fucked with Elvis didn't he?" Alvarez asked

"Yes and fucker broke my speaker" I replied

Bish was laughing while Alvarez shook his head knowing what happens when I'm alone in the clubhouse and what not to fuck with.

When my hubby walked in he took in what happened.

"Oh shit he fucked with her Elvis" Angel says

"man you missed it. she practically beat the hell outta him" Coco says

"glad it was him and not me," Creeper says

"cause we know not to fuck with her when she's listening to Elvis." Gilly says

the others agreed with him.

"that fucker better replace my speaker or his balls will be in his throat" I say

"he will. I'll make sure of it" Alvarez said

"thank you" I replied before I finished cleaning up what I was then put everything away as they all started coming in.

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