bouns chapter: happy fathers day

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Creeper- With this being Creeper's first father's day. I wanted to try and make it special. so while pequeño amor was sleeping in his crib. I was making breakfast and taking it to Cre. so he could have breakfast in bed.

I had just handed Cre the tray when our pequeño amor woke up. so after I changed him and got him dressed I headed into the room and sat beside Cre. I lifted out baby boy up so Cre could greet him before I got situationed and fixed my top so pequeño amor could eat.

"no fair I want his breakfast," Cre whinned

"if your good maybe later you'll have it for dessert," I tell him

he pouted but nonetheless nodded his head.

the whole day was for Cre whatever he wanted to do we did it. and a grand majority of it was just being overgrown kids with pequeño amor.

Coco- Letty surprised Coco when she walked into the dining room and placed breakfast before him.

"thank you" he says

"Welcome," she says as she continued bringing in the food she cooked

"looks yummy Letty baby," I tell her

"I hope it tastes the same," she says

After we found out that she can cook we spent the rest of our morning and a bit of the afternoon talking about memories that we had and how we couldn't wait for more.

later on, in the day Letty gave Coco her father's day gift which he was more than glad to wear the necklace that she got him.

Hank- from the time we woke to the time we went to bed. we spent the whole day with our babies. Hank told me plenty of times that being with them and not having to work was the best gift he could ever get. 

But me being the giver I am I had gotten him some gifts but claimed they were from our babies.

After he looked at me with a yeah right from our babies. he proceeded to open the gifts and took them all out. a shirt had "not all heroes wear capes, my dad wears a vest." which I had gotten that specially made for him. and the other gift was a bracelet that had our kid's birthstone stitched into it.

"they did a great job picking these our being babies and all" he says

"Oh shush and just enjoy them" I tell him

"I really do like them" he says

"good" I say before I leaned over and gave him a kiss.

"thank you" he says

 "Welcome" I replied

After giving him his gifts we went back to doing what he wanted to do for the remainder of the day.


pequeño amor- little love

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