Ideal perfect date

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I was outside with some of the Mayans, Letty and Angel who I've got the most ridiculous crush on yet I'm too coward to tell him. 

Anyways we were talking about different things and out of the blue Letty started asking the guys what their Ideal perfect date was.

"not keep in mind this is nothing to be embarrassed about its just something you wanna do with a girl you're interested in," she says

so one by one they all said what their Ideal perfect date was.

"How bout you Angel?" Letty asked

"well I'm not big on being romantic. but if she was some one very special then I'd learn what she'd like and plan it all out. I wouldn't go over the top if she's a simple lady. I'd do something that fits her taste." Angel says

"alright now you" Letty says looking at me.

"nothing to fancy just a simple dinner, movies maybe then travel to somewhere thats not around lights so you could lay either in the back of a truck bed or on the ground and star gaze. talking about different things that strike your interest and just be free in a way. not judgmentle no sneer comments just relaxing enjoyment" I replied

"not bad" she says

"I'm not a hard girl to please. just never found the right guy" I replied

"give it time you will mama" Creeper says

"I'll be waiting possibly till I'm ninty before it happens" I half joked

"Nah" the others replied

Little did I know that whole thing was a set up for Angel to ask me out and take me on my ideal perfect date.

When I had found out after the date I was so thankful he had more courage than I did to get that ball rolling.

Ez and Angel Reyes imagine  (completed)Where stories live. Discover now