club birth (Ez)

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despite being close to my due date or actually there. I never thought in a million years that the one place I'd deliver mine and Ez's baby would be at the club house. But here I am dealing with contractions.

I was in Ez's trailer that he uses for work outs and to stay when he's to tired to ride home.  When the contracts started up.

 At first I played them as braxton hicks. till they got more frequent then that's when I  high tailed my ass out of the trailer or at least tried but it was more of a fast waddle.

I headed into the clubhouse and looked for Ez before I spotted him.

"Time to go Ez" I announced

"go where?" he asked

but before I could reply my water broke and everyone freaked out.

"I'm not cleaning that up," some chick said

"fuck you bitch" I replied as I leaned against the pillar and breathed through the contraction.

Ez walked up to me and helped me over to the couch while Angle was ushering everyone out.

"what can I do?" Ez asked

I gripped the hell out of the couch and screamed from the pain.

"get ready to deliver your kid" I tell him

"tell me what I need to do and get and I will" he says

I told him everything he'd need before I sat back and breathed through the contraction while he got what was needed.

"wanna do it here or dorm? he asked

"its to late to move it feels like they are crowing" I told him having lifted my skirt to feel.

He rushed over and placed everything down before he knelt before me and took a look for him self. 

"yea they are," he says

"you ready?" I asked

"when you are," he says

I gripped the couch and bared down on it as I pushed so hard.

I was sure that from the sounds of my screaming if you didn't know I was in labor you'd think they were murdering me.

With Ez's encouraging words and guidance I managed to give birth to our baby boy.

Ez announced that he was born before handing our son to me.

I panted as I laid back and held mine and Ez's son to my chest while Ez helped with the rest.

After we got him cleaned up and myself cleaned up Ez swaddled our son and carried him out while I got myself situated.

" meet Ezikiel Daniel Reyes" Ez announced and the club gathered around to congratulate him while some of the girls came in to check on me.

"you alright momma?" Letty asked

"feel nine pounds lighter" I joked

she laughed and hugged me.

"congrats" she said 

"thank you" I replied

Ez and Angel Reyes imagine  (completed)Where stories live. Discover now