bouns chapter: we are gonna marry again

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Creeper: mine and Cre's baby girl were teething and she was so fussy. we did everything we could to help with the process. we put her paci in the freezer so that the coldness would numb her gums and that helped some but when the coldness went away she would cry again. Finally, after a while Creep managed to get her to stop crying. it was our nina's bedtime and she was putting up a fight and crying so what Creeper did was he climbed into the crib with her gave her the cold paci after he laid down and she laid her head on him and claimed down. I looked at him and I knew he wasn't comfortable but he was doing it for our baby. " I don't care if we are married, Neron. you and I are gonna marry again. you doing this for her has made me fall so madly in love with you that I'm gonna marry you again" I tell him he looked at me and smiled before nodding.

Hank- mine and Hank's son was fighting going to sleep. we tried everything to wear him down so he'd crash but he was giving us one hell of a fight. if we didn't know any better we'd think he was having a sugar rush. but we knew he didn't have any sugar this time of night. it felt like and never ending loop with him fighting sleep and refusing to go to bed despite the times we've told him that if he goes to sleep he will be well rested for all the fun we'd have tomorrow. and if he sleeps he'll grow. but he didn't buy any of our crap. "alright little guy tell you what. if you go to sleep dad will climb in there and sleep with you" Hank bargained "promise" our son asked Hank nodded his head. "yea bud I do" he says "otay" our baby boy says. so holding true to his end of the bargain Hank climbed into the toddler bed laid down and our son laid on him and went right to sleep. "get ready for a wedding Hank cause you and I are gonna marry again." I tell him "name the time and place and I'll be there," he says I smiled. "will do baby," I say before I carefully walked over and kissed them both before walking out.

Coco- if anyone ever says that toddlers in their twos are a breeze when it comes to going down for a nap. I'd like to meet them and call them a damn liar. cause mine and Coco's twins are two years old and they are like banshees when it comes to sleeping. they will scream bloody murder as if we were abusing or attacking them when we are just trying to get them to go to sleep. Nothing we'd do or Letty would try to do would calm them down to get them to stop screaming to listen to us or attempt to sleep. Heck, even Letty offered them to share her bed which normally they like to do cause it means being around their big sister. but today they just wasn't gonna do it. "Okay I give" she says. "go try and get some rest baby so you can go to school your dad and I have got this" I tell her. she looked at me like with these to screaming demons. " I know just sleep with your music in" Coco say nodding her head Letty left the twins room while Coco all but gave up as I laid on one of the twin's bed. they looked at each other and stopped crying as they walked over and climbed into bed. both girls cuddled up with Coco. "well that worked even if you didn't mean for this to happen" I say he looked at the twins before looking at me. "I was actually giving up" he admitted  I slightly nodded my head letting him know I knew. " we  gonna marry again for this." I say before I walked over flicked off the lights and crashed out on the other bed.

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