Comforting a friend

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I had noticed that my best friend Hank had taken a liking to Nails. but I knew that she and Angel were in a screwing ordeal couldn't say relationship. just more so she kept his dick warm when he called her.

I had tried warning him of the outcome but he assured me that it was fine and nothing was gonna occur.

but with the way things took place and Hank was there to comfort Nails when apparently Angel broke her heart told me that he's getting very emotionally attached to her and he's wanting to be with her. 

I knew something was gonna happen and I seriously hope that Nails doesn't break Hank's heart cause I will jump her ass and I don't care what my brother in law thinks or tries to say.

I was at the club house watching Nails and Hank talk before Ez and Angel walked in.

Angel noticed how close Hank and Nails were and I could see he knew what was going on and that he was gonna do something. and I swear I'm gonna be pissed off if he hurts Hank.

I over heard Hank asking Nails to come to dinner Thursday night and at first you could tell there was slight hesitation before she blew it off and accepted.

more things were said before Bishop walked out and told Hank to come to Templo.

I walked over and stood before Nails.

"I advise you to fucking come clean with Hank. cause if you fucking hurt him I'm gonna fucking hurt you. and I don't give two fucks about my brother in law or what he'd do. Hank is my best friend and the shit your pulling on him with fucking Angel is bullshit. so fucking come clean to him now or so fucking help me you'd wish you had stayed in Ohio" I tell her before I walked off.

When the guys came out I watched as the fucking tramp did the damn opposite of what I told her to do.

I watched Angel and her talking in the corner as the others welcomed Creeper back and welcomed Steve to the club after kicking Coco out.

I was sitting by my hubby Ez and not far from Hank who asked for two beers when Angel got everyone's attention.

"your brother's ass is mine Ez. and I'm not playing" I say

before hecould ask what I ment Angel announced his and Nials engagment.

I looked at her and she looked scared.

I stood up and grabbed Hank's hand and walked out to the side.

"I am sorry they did that to you. its fucked up and I wont let them get away with it. your like a brother to me Hank and no one is getting fucking away with hurting you." I tell him as I pulled him into my arms and hugged him.

After an incident went down and the medics came and took steve's body away I walked up to Angel and Nails and I fucking decked both their fucking ass.

"you fucking assholes," I say gaining those who was outsides attention.

"you fucking play this game with my best friend's fucking heart. leading him on and hurting him instead of doing the fucking right thing and coming clean about your fucking Angel" I yelled at Nails

"your fucking lucky your knocked up or I'd fucking beat the shit out of you Stephanie," I tell her

 "hey don't talk to her like that" Angel says

"Man fuck you Angel you. " I say

"I didn't do shit," he says

"you fucking knew and seen how Hank felt for this fucking trash and you fucking hurt him. knowing damn well with the way he was being with her that he liked her but you went and fucking hurt him by popping the question to her." I say

While Stephanie cried over me hitting her Angel just looked at me.

"it's horse shit and you fucking know it but you don't care. & the only fucking reason you asked her to marry you was due to the fact Adelita told you no and disappeared then Nails told you she was pregnant. had that not happened you'd had blown this trash off like she was litter on the highway" I say

"I'm sorry" she cried

"fuck you and your fucking lame ass pitty sorry horseshit. your fucking nothing but a piece of shit just like Angel." I say

 "I was gonna tell him" she says

"but you didn't and I warned you about that shit but you're too fucking stupid to fucking head a warning. so just fucking stay away from him and don't fucking try to talk with him anymore. or next time won't be my fist" I warned

she sobbed in Angel's arms.

I walked off to find Hank and I comforted him.

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