From neighbors to best friends to much more

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With Sandro Padre being a simple small town. basically, everyone knew everyone. so when my family and I moved into the neighborhood where the Reyes family resided. I had met the two brothers and became great friends with them.

Though I didn't know that we were neighbors, till the three of us were walking home from school one evening.

Since that moment of becoming friends with Angel and Ez, my life was never dull. it was like free entertainment whenever Ez and Angle were fighting or roughhousing.

When Mrs. Reyes passed I was there for them in any way I could be. 

When Ez went away the three of us had just started dating. so that was possibly gonna be a strain for him and me but a breeze for Angel and me.

I never quit or gave up on my relationship with Ez. like the times when Angel would do something to test my trust in him and my willingness to continue on with our relationship.

When Ez got out we had gotten married and from that point to this. We three have been inseparable. 

I know the whole ordeals that happened with the Mayans and how they get income to survive and I don't let it change how I feel about my husbands. 

they manage to keep me safe and I do all I can to patch them up and destress them.

my family as well as their pops always make jokes about how I was the adult in the relationship while Angel and Ez are the overgrown kids that act immature at times.

Regardless of how Angel and Ez are. I still love them and I'd not change them for anything in the world.

Ez and Angel Reyes imagine  (completed)Where stories live. Discover now