Off The Handle

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Noelle steps behind Spamton, closing her eyes and focusing her magic. She's already completely in the zone, and there's not a chance you're going to let that happen like last time. You'll have to go through Spamton if you're going to get to her, though. Your best bet is to dart around and sweep in as quickly as you can, catching him off-guard-

"W-what am I supposed [2] do?" Spamton looks at you nervously, shifting on his feet. 

It throws you off your rhythm. He clearly doesn't want to hurt you, and you don't want to hurt him.

"Spam, you gotta get your head in the game, come on!" You try to pep him up, keeping an eye on Noelle all the while. "-Remember, this is practice! If we get better now, it'll be easier for us to protect each other later on, okay?"

He doesn't seem to agree, but he nods all the same.

The sound of cracking is your only warning before a spike of ice lances toward you from the ground. You stumble back, just barely dodging the dangerously sharp tip as it cuts toward where your chin just was.

Noelle is going for your throat. Literally.

You reach out and snap off that sharp tip, gripping it in your hand as a makeshift knife. It's slippery under your warm palms, but with your hands wrapped, you maintain a decent grip. 

"You're not going to [[ONE-USE]] that, are you?!" Spamton whimpers in a way that can only be described as wetly.

"Spamton, please-" You hesitate again, looking down at the weapon in your hand. He's right- What if you genuinely hurt either of them? What if-

You feel the air around you drop in temperature. The air crackles with magic as shards of ice form in the air and drop over you. You try to dodge again, but you feel something snap down on your ankle and hold you in place as the ice cuts into your skin. You hiss in pain at each shallow cut. As the rain stops, you look down and see a familiar face- A grinning heart on a chain smiles up at you, teeth buried in your ankle. 


Spamton tugs at the chain, and his heart zips back to him. He holds the chain with a practiced hand, smiling apprehensively. 

"You little-!" You growl at him, but when he shrinks back, it's hard for you to keep up the aggression. You notice his eyes flicking to the blood starting to drip down your ankle. Worry tempers your passion as you once again try to ease him into it. "Hey, it's okay! It's- Again, we're practicing, don't worry, I'm just- You did good! It was a good strategy!"

"I-I d0n't [[l1ke and SUSCRIbe]] this," he chatters. 

"Just try for me, please? Think of me like... I'm your business competitor! And I'm here to, uh, assassinate you! Or something!" You smile, trying to encourage him.

Something dark passes through his eyes.


"Yeah! I'm Mike! I fucked up your life, and I'm here to-" You try to make it playful, but Spamton cuts you off with sudden thrust of his heart-on-a-chain. It seems to grow in size as he throws it at you, and its teeth are much, much bigger and sharper than you remember. 

"-AH!" You dive out of the way. You hear the snap of huge jaws overhead. In a flash, the monstrous heart is tugged back to his chest. You catch a glimpse of his static-filled glasses before you see his jaws open and suddenly the air is full of agonizing noise. You scramble to your feet and clutch your ears, already running. Out of the corner of your eye, you see words shoot through the air, splitting into shapeless bullets as they hit pillars and walls. 

With your attention on getting away from Spamton, you completely miss the wall of ice forming in front of you. You smack right into it, bashing your nose against the frigid surface.

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