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"How's he been doing?" Scarlett asked. "It's been rough. I think part of it has been that he never got the chance to introduce me to Robert." I sighed looking over Chris with Rose. He put on a smile and promised he'd color and watch The Little Mermaid with her.

"Robert's oldest son, Christopher, would like to come and say a few words now." The priest said. I kissed the back of his hand before he let go of my hand and stood up.

"There's many memories I could share about my father. I did baseball growing up until I wanted to do something different like tap classes and be in drama. But my father was a baseball loving guy and wanted me to do it."

"I was scared to tell him, but I can't remember the reason why. But one night at dinner I had worked up the courage to tell him. So I blurted it out. I said I didn't like baseball and I didn't want to do it anymore. His exact words were 'Okay. Then what do you want to do?' And I told him exactly what I wanted to do. 'Honey do you mind reaching out to your friends at the studio. And keep a look out for acting classes?' And mom promised she'd look for me and he continued going on about his day."

"He didn't care about what I was doing. As long as I was happy with my choice." Chris's tears streamed harder and he apologized before walking back over to me. Standing up to give him a hug he just grabbed my hand to pull me away.

We got to a tree and I leaned my back against it while Chris hid his face in my neck and cried. Rubbing his back allowing him to hold me. "I'm sorry." He apologized. "Oh Honey. You don't have anything to apologize for. I promised I would be here for you. And if that means we stand here for a while. Then guess where I'm standing with you?" He nodded and at some point stopped crying but he still didn't want to go back to the funeral.

Heading back to the car we stopped to talk with Lisa, Carly, Scott, and Shanna. We shared some hugs before talking again. "Are you guys still coming to the wake?" Scott asked. "I don't know. The kids are tired but we don't have anyone to watch them." Carly said. "Same here. Sleep hasn't been coming to our family with ease." Shanna said.

"We can take them." Chris spoke up and we looked to him. "What? I thought we were going to the wake?" I questioned. "I can't. As much as I want to be there for dad and you mom. I don't think I can. And Jo your exhausted just as much as I am." He kissed the side of my head.

"Chris I don't want to dump them on you guys." Carly said. "Carly you bringing the kids over will never be dumping them off in our minds. Besides we could have nap day." I shrugged. They agreed and we said bye to everyone.

When we got to the house we turned on a movie for the kids and set up living room floor with blankets and pillows so they would be comfortable. While me and Chris were on the couch. His head was on my lap with a blanket over him and he was out like a light.

"You know you guys didn't have to come. I know how hard losing Chris's dad is for him." Scarlett told me. "Yeah. But he told me if anything could at least help with some of the pain, it would be seeing Rose's happy face on her birthday. Besides I couldn't miss my god-daughters sixth birthday. I already missed her fifth because of the band." I took a bite of leftover cake from the birthday that was from yesterday.

"You ready to go home?" Chris walked over. "Yeah. We should probably get going." I nodded. "No! Don't leave!" Rose yelled and hugged me tighter. "It's okay, Pumpkin. We'll see you tomorrow for lunch before we leave. I love you." I kissed her cheek. "I love you too Aunt Jordy." She kissed my cheek and kissed Chris's before we finished our goodbyes and left.

When we got back to the hotel it was late so we just played a movie and laid in bed. "Jordan?" Chris asked and I moved my head from his chest to look at him. "Hmm." I hummed in response. "I wanna get married this year. I know we talked about that date for next year just because my schedule got busy for the summer, but I want this year." He moved a piece of hair off of my cheek.

"Okay. I'll be looking out here more but we need to find a place ASAP. That needs to be the first thing done. And I want it in Boston." I told him. "Done. Boston is beautiful in the fall." "That's exactly why." I leaned up and pressed a kiss to his lips.

Chris groaned and pulled my body over his. We stayed kissing for bit until he pulled away. "I'm sorry. We haven't been intimate in a while." Before we could say anything else I pressed my lips to his to stop him. "Don't be sorry for that stuff, Chris." I shook my head. "But last time-" "Last time you barely even home and not talking to me. And last time you didn't lose your father. I'm not gonna worry about us having sex. You my Love are worth the wait." I pressed a kiss to his cheek and one to his chest before laying back down.

"You have no idea how much I love you." Chris said. "I got a pretty good idea. And that's still the most I've gotten." I closed my eyes loving we've gotten back to some normal.

By the way this is Chris's home town in the fall.

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