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After we ate a few people gave their speeches, which of course had me laughing and crying. We got down to party.

I danced for a couple of songs with the guys as Chris made some rounds saying hi to his family and friends. As I took a second and looked around it was crazy to see the mix of people. There were a lot of actors Chris had met over the years. But we also had his family and our friends. Usually, we don't see these sides mixed but I loved seeing everyone here together.

As I scanned the room I noticed someone standing by the big open entrance of the building.

"Holy fucking shit

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"Holy fucking shit. I'm gonna kill Christopher." I let out a breath and bent over. "What? What happened?" Mateo looked around as Ryan helped me back up. "Front door." All three of the boys looked over and Dylan gracefully fell to the ground.

Sebastian was right behind him so he looked down and saw the slight smile and dazed look in Dylan's eyes. "You good, Babydoll?" Dylan didn't say anything besides giving a thumbs up. Sebastian nodded before helping him up.

I walked off of the dance floor and found Chris talking to Mike his old childhood friend. "Sorry Mike but I need to speak to my husband real quick." "God! I will never stop loving that word coming out of your mouth." Chris followed as I dragged him to the wall where no one was. "Ooo are you taking me away to make out?" He wiggled his eyebrows. 

I just punched him in the shoulder. "Ow. At least I know I don't have to worry about you if someone bothers you, but damn babygirl that hurt." He shook his shoulder out. "Sorry." I leaned and kissed his shoulder then his cheek before crossing my arms and staring him down. "What's that look for?" He asked. 

"Did you think you could just invite Herny fucking Cavil to our wedding?" Whisper yelling at him. "One, you didn't even tell me we invited him is there even a spot for him to go? Two, you invited HERNY CAVIL. My second biggest crush on this earth to our wedding?!" I hit his shoulder again. 

He put his arms out to hold my arms down so I couldn't hit him again and leaned close to my ear. "Stop hitting me or your ass is going to pay for it later, and I mean that literally." He pulled his face away a bit then pecked my lips. "Yes, I invited him he is a good friend of mine. I already have a spot for him. He didn't even know if he was going to make it or not." 

"Chris!" Henry called as he walked up to us. {(how u doin? americas ass.) My friends wrote this as I went to the bathroom. 🤣} Chris turned around and hugged Henry. "Henry this is my lovely wife, Jordan. Jordan you know who he is." Chris had a smug smile on his face.

"It's lovely to meet you, Darling." Darling? I was just called Darling by Henry Cavil. I'm gonna pass the fuck out. "It's nice to meet you too. I would have more to say but Chris decided to spring this meeting on me today of all days." "It's quite alright. I've only been tagged in your video so many times, it's flattering. And you saying you have a crush is the least amount of videos and tweets I've seen about me." He laughed. "Oh, he is not wrong." Chris follows up. 

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