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When the boys dropped me off at the house Chris's car was out front. At least i don't come home to an empty house. 

I rolled my bags inside and closed the door after me. I heard the dogs start running and i got on the ground. As soon as they turned the corner they jumped on me and started licking my face a whole bunch. "Yes. I missed you guys too. Tessie stop standing on me." I tried to push their faces off me but they just kept coming back. "Guys get off, Mama." Chris clapped. 

They looked away and laid on my legs. "Thanks. I missed you." I gave him a small smile. "I missed you too. And i wish i could stay with you. But I've got a business lunch with Sam." He told me grabbing his shoes. "Yeah. Yeah, that's fine. I'll be home." I looked down at my feet not wanting to show how much it pained me to see him go. 

"Bye." He said and kissed the top of my head. He opened the door and left. "Love you, too." I said to myself quietly. Back to being in a relationship with the man of my dreams but feeling like nothing more than a roommate

I took my bags upstairs and just set them on the bed. I went downstairs to get something for lunch and to feed the dogs. I was walking past the living room when i heard a phone go off. 

I checked mine but i had no notifications. I looked on the couch and saw Chris's phone sitting there. Don't do it. Why not? Because it's his personal business. What if it's something for an upcoming movie that he couldn't even tell you? Then i won't tell him i know. It won't hurt.

I grabbed his phone doing the password. 2016. The year he got Dodger. 

I went to his texts and clicked the top one. Man i really wish i didn't look. Because this definitely hurts. This hurts a lot.

Can't wait to see you 😊

I looked up at the past messages they sent. 

Are you coming over today? 

I just have to wait for Jordan to get home
So she can watch the dogs 

Are you sure she won't hate me for doing this with you? 

We have a very open relationship 
She just walked through the door
I'll see you soon 

I dropped his phone and ran to our room. I started packing everything i could in my two bags and just left the rest. I brought my bags downstairs and went to his office. I grabbed a pen a piece of paper. 


If your reading this you have came home from being with Minka. You left your phone if you didn't notice. You're phone was sitting on the couch and i didn't want to look. But i did... and i'm glad i did. 

I'm unbelievably broken. But i'm glad i did so i didn't have to look you in the face while you broke up with me after you strung me out for who know's how long. I thought after what happened with Micheal and what you did. I wouldn't have to go through this again. 

I can't believe i was stupid enough to think we were going to make it. I truly believed that you were the love of my life. But i should've known. I'll never be her. I won't be enough. 

I wish you luck with her. I do wish the best for you Chris. I'll always love you. But i can't be in another relationship like this.


P.S. My key is the mail box. I'll have the boys come and get my car and the rest of my stuff.

There was some wet spots on the paper from me crying. I called for an Uber and it was about five minutes away. I put his phone and the letter on the coffee table. I petted and kissed the dogs one last time before taking one last look around. 

I left and locked the door. I put the key in the box by the door and walked away. I turned around at the end of the driveway taking one last look at the house. I turned around and waited a few minutes and my uber pulled up. 

After putting my bags in the trunk i got in. "Where you going?" The driver asked me driving away. "I'm going home." I told him. 

Chris's POV: 

I pulled up to Minka's house and got out. I walked to the front door and knocked. "Hey. Why didn't you text me back?" She asked letting me in. "What message?" I asked. I checked my pockets and i didn't have my phone. 

"Shit. I left my phone at the house." I groaned. "It's fine. Go get it. I'll order food. It'll be here by the time you get back." She smiled. "Thanks, Mink." I opened the door and left her house. 

After about 20 minutes of driving i was in my driveway. I got out and unlocked the door. "Hey! Sorry, i just forgot my phone!" I yelled going to the living room. "Jo!" I yelled looking around the living room. "Where's Mama?" I looked at Dodger. He barked towards the kitchen and i looked up. I saw my phone and a letter. 

I walked over opening the letter reading what was inside. 

No. This can't be happening. I can't lose her. This wasn't supposed to happen. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. She has this all wrong. I need to explain. 

I called Minka and told her i wouldn't be going back to her house. She asked what was wrong and i told her. I ran back out to my car calling Jordan. I kept calling her over and over as i was driving to the boys house. 

I parked on the street and ran up to the door. "JORDAN!" I yelled. I knocked on the door continuously. "Get the fuck out of here. No one here wants to see your face right now." Mateo answered the door. "Please. Just let me explain to her. It's NOT what it seems like. Please i can't lose her. She means the world to me. I won't let her go." I begged. 

"NO! You don't get to play that card. You cheated on her! You fucking asshole! I was the one telling her everything was going to be okay through that first week after you two slept together. Then when she told me about this past month i tried to convince her that everything was going to be fine and you two were going to get through it!" Dylan pushed through Mateo pushing and yelled at me. 

"Please, just let me talk to her." I begged with tears falling from my eyes. "SHE'S NOT HERE! She called us and told her what happened and told us she was going to be by herself for a little. So we don't even know where she is and we can't help her. She loved you more than anything in this world and you did the exact thing that other asshole you punched did." Dylan told me. He turned around closing the door behind him locking me out. 

They have no idea what's actually going on. 

And i leave you with this.

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