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Chris wouldn't put me down until he took us back into our room that was set up for us to change for our reception. "WE'RE MARRIED!" Chris yelled as he sat down on the couch. "Yes, we are." I smiled and put my hand on the back of his neck. 

"I forgot what do we do next? Blow this popsicle stand and go to our honeymoon early?" He smirked and turned his head to start kissing my wrist. "As much as i really really want to go wherever you are taking me for two weeks. I want to spend my happiest day here, with you." Leaning in i gave him a kiss. 

"I was joking around. I have waited since i met you for this day. But seriously i did forget how long we have until pictures and when can i change into my other suit." He chuckled. I grabbed his right hand that was on my thigh and looked at his watch. "We have ten minutes. Pictures for half an hour. Then we have our first dance. After that we can change." He nodded. "Well how about we just sit here together for another eight minutes?" I just closed my eyes and snuggled into his neck and Chris tightened his hold on me. 


After taking pictures with just us, wedding parties, family, and marvel family everyone went with the other guests to the reception hall to welcome us for our first dance. 

"Everyone please welcome Chris and Jordan Evans for their first dance as a newlyweds!" We heard Jeremy say over the microphone. Chris opened the door and took my hand for me to walk through first. Everyone cheered as we walked onto the dance floor. "Before i start i want to thank Jordan and Chris for two honors. One, for letting me sing for you two. Two, for choosing a song that I not only wrote but is a very personal song. And i'm glad that now whenever i sing, listen, or think about this song i will think of you two." I smiled at Jeremy then mouthed a thank you. 

If you didn't know Jeremy Renner makes music. He either used to be a part of a band or is still a part of it and he wrote music but also made remakes. And I personally love his music. When i heard this song my mind immediately went to Chris and Jordan and i knew this was going to be there first dance song. I'm not even joking. I've had this song written down in my notes for over a year. 

Usually my Wattpad won't let me read and listen to the music the author puts in. Like if i start it then scroll to keep reading it will turn off. But please listen to this song. I really do love it and Jeremy wrote it for his daughter. 

Me and Chris turned to each other and i wrapped my arms around his neck and his hands rested on my lower back. His head came down to mine and we just closed our eyes and started to sway together. "Today has already been... Magical. Can we just stay in today forever?" I asked and Chris chuckled. "I would love that. But, I want everything with you. Every time we say I love you, every fight, every orgasm..." I scoffed and bopped him on the back. "There are children here, Christopher." "... That's fine they can't hear us. Back to what I was saying. Every kiss, every child of mine, but most importantly every moment from now on of my existence. I need you with me Jordan."

I opened my eyes once I heard him sniffle. I moved my hand to his face to wipe his tears that had fallen. "After losing my dad, I knew what it felt like to lose someone you love so much. And I don't know what I would do if I ever lost you. I-i... I j-just can-can't..." I pulled Chris down to rest his head on my shoulder and he tightened his arms around me as he cried.

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