Out with the Old in with the New Prolouge Pt.1

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A lab located far off from any civilization or life, underground, scientists are preparing for their oncoming fate.

Scientist 1: Chamber is fully operational check, Power at maximum capacity check.

Scientists 2: Preparation for preservation complete.

The scientists within the room start to quicken their pace as they make the final adjustments to the chamber.

Scientist 3: Pre-Recorded message check.

Scientist 4: Armor fully operational. Everything's ready, Bring him in!

A boy who looked no older then 16 walks into a large empty room where the scientist observe from the control room, one of them being the Head scientist who appears to be oldest out of everyone, shown by his grey hairs.

Head Scientist: Alright "Prophet" you know the drill, before we start with preservation, we don't know when that bombs gonna go off so we're going to go over some objectives while we do this, you understand?

Prophet: Yes sir.

The boy codenamed Prophet walks closer to the chamber that's in the middle of the room as two more scientist wheel out a suit of armor.

The boy codenamed Prophet walks closer to the chamber that's in the middle of the room as two more scientist wheel out a suit of armor

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Prophet puts on a slick silver jumpsuit as the scientist begin to put the suit on him starting from the legs.

Head Scientist: Your job is to act as a preservation protocol and to bring back the knowledge of today to the future or if all humans become wiped out as we have no knowledge of the other humans who planned to avoid the bomb. The Suit has records of what you need to know and other protocols in case of danger.

The scientist help put the chest piece on him.

Head Scientist: There is an A.I system connected to the suit to help maintain the suit while your out. During the duration of the preservation the suit could possibly evolve or change whilst your asleep to help keep you alive.

They connect the arms to the suit.

Head Scientist:  Be aware that if the suit doesn't evolve, if you attempt to remove the suit in any way you will likely die. And the final objective, in whatever new age you wake up in you will gather data and continue to preserve and archive it.

A scientist gives Prophet the helmet as he puts it on.

Head Scientist: That's just about sums it all up.

Scientist 4: The suit is connected properly.

Head Scientist: All right begin protocol.

Prophet walks towards the chamber as the scientist strap him in

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Prophet walks towards the chamber as the scientist strap him in.

Head Scientist: Close it up.

Computer typing can be heard as the restraints begin to shut. The Head Scientist walks up to the window looking at the chamber and salutes.

Head Scientist: Good luck soldier.

Prophet: Thank You, sir.

The chamber begins to glow blue as it shocks you not enough to be excruciating, but enough to put you to sleep as you slowly are forced to sleep.

Scientist 1: He's asleep sir

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Scientist 1: He's asleep sir.

Scientist 2: Was it wise to lie to him about all this.

Head Scientist: Most of it was true; The bomb will go off, but by this point even I'm not sure, it could be another decade or maybe tomorrow. Let us simply hope that he forgives us from where and whenever he wakes up.

Scientist 3: And if he doesn't?

Head Scientist: He won't have much of a choice. We'll all be long dead by the time he wakes up. Who knows, maybe it will be good for him, better he be given a second chance at life then having to try and survive in a wasteland where he could do nothing and forcefully be kept alive by the suit.

Scientist: What do you mean?

Head Scientist: Call me an old fool, I believe that centuries from now, his help will be beneficial to stopping the embodiment of the death, the end of all life. The day we see a sickly green hue will mark the end of the beginning and the process to stop the beginning of the end. He will figure out how to evolve that suit to a point that it will no longer be just a suit, but a tool he can control freely.

Scientist look at him believing that he has gone mad and one by one start to leave, leaving their lab coats behind, not wanting anymore to do with the Head Scientist believing they worked so much based of some mad tale sung by an old man. All but one leaves putting a hand on his shoulder making him glance at them.

Scientist: Well, with one sentence you just drove away everyone. Sir, get some rest and stop believing in some old tale that isn't even real, we're scientist we believe in facts not beliefs.

The last scientist walks out tossing their coat aside before walking out. The Head Scientist watches them all leave, yet his expression doesn't change as if he knew this would happen.

Head Scientist: Figured as much, better they leave now, less bodies for you to find when you make your way back here.

He pulls out a phone dialing a number before putting it to his ear.

Head Scientist: It's me. He's ready for transport. Remember keep as much power to the chamber as you can, if he wakes up to early then this all really will be a waste of effort. And don't mind me when you come get him I'll just be sitting and waiting.

He hangs up before walking through a different exit, leading to a small personal quarters where on a nightstand there is an old and very damaged book. The title reading "My journal" with the author's name being burned off. Grabbing it then walking back outside where he pulls a chair to the center of the room facing the entrance to the lab. He begins reading the book till he finishes, prompting him to pull out a small pill capsule from his coat pocket, swallowing it as he sits in the chair waiting.

[Centuries Later]

Time begins to pass rapidly as the former caved in lab slowly turn into a massive cavern with the chamber becoming embedded into the wall. A hole opens up from above as a figure falls down landing on her butt. Two other figures drop down checking up on the first one as the three figures walk up to the chamber unable to see what's inside as the rocks have scuffed up the hardened glass.

???: Incredible, this technology seems quite advanced for something so old.

???: What do you thinks inside?

???: Honey, I don't think this thing even works anymore. I mean look at this hunk a junk.

???:Only one way to find out.

Unbeknownst to them on the inside there is something or someone on the inside.

Tell me what you think of this.

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