The Enchiridion!

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[The Following Night]

Prophet was sitting at the table putting the final touches on his new weapon. Giving him plenty of time to think about his current situation.

Prophet: This'll do for now, at least until I get better materials to make more complex ones.

Prophet: This'll do for now, at least until I get better materials to make more complex ones

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Fionna and Cake had left early in the morning to visit the old elephant, Tree Trunks. Fionna had offered him the choice to join them, ultimately refusing wanting to stay at the fort, focusing on constructing his new weapon. Prophet wraps the gun in a cloth, placing it back underneath the couch wanting to keep its use to a minimum or until the next adventure he went on with them.

Soon after that he hears the front door opening, he sees Fionna and Cake come up wearing some weird looking makeup. What caught his attention was the horrified expression on their faces as they slowly walk to go up the ladder to their rooms, Prophet seeing the stress meter up to the yellow, he speaks up not looking up from the book.

Prophet: Something happened, and I imagine not in the fun way... Am I assuming correctly?

Cake looks at you, Fionna faces the ladder not even facing you. Prophet puts the book down and gets up getting two glasses of water for them handing them to Cake as Fionna didn't try to grab it.

Prophet: You wanna talk about it?

In the next moment the threat meter jumps to red, bracing for the impact Prophet doesn't let the suit dampen the punch that Fionna throws at him causing him to stagger.

Fionna: Why weren't you there?!

Cake looks at Fionna with a saddened look in her eyes putting down the water on a nearby counter. Fionna throws more punches all of them staggering you with no attempt of fighting back being made.

Fionna: You could have helped us! Tell us that stupid fruit would've done that! What kind of hero are you!!?

Fionna throws a heavy punch sending you into the wall. Cake runs up to Fionna giving her a hug as she collapses to her knees, tears pricking her eyes, causing the makeup to run. Prophet walks up to to the two kneeling down as they look at him.

Prophet gently leads them over to the booth table sitting them down, grabbing the water glasses and giving it to them, going over to the other side to sit across from them.

Prophet: Tell me what happened.

After calming down, Fionna and Cake both proceed to explain how they took their friend Tree Trunks on an adventure, she wanted to go on to find and eat something called the Crystal Apple. It was located in an evil forest and was protected by a crystal guardian. They said that when Tree Trunks bit the apple she literally exploded.

Prophet: I'm sorry...for not being there to help.

Fionna: No... I can't force you to always come adventuring with us. You probably have a lot of junk going on in your head too.

Adventure Time x Male Reader {Post Apocalyptic Soldier}Where stories live. Discover now