S3 Incendium

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On the top of the Tree Fort, Fionna and (Y/N) watching, Cake eating watermelon, and Prince Gumball showing his latest invention along with a basket of baked biscuits he made.

Gumball: And so, through my experiments with cloud-seeding, I've invented... liquid pyrotechnics.

Fireworks shoot up and burst, splashing Fionna with multi-colored liquid.

Cake: So long as it don't get on ma' fur. Mmm. Dang these are good.

Cake says that as she takes a bite from one of the biscuits.

Gumball: Thank you Cake.

Cake: Fionna, you try one of these? They melt in your mouth.

Fionna stammers and Gumball chuckles seeing this. Fionna sees a crumb on Gumballs face and for an unknown reason she wants to take it off. In Fionna's mind she is confused, conflicted even. She had told Gumball that she wasn't interested, but a part of her still holds some desire for the pink prince and she doesn't know why.

The Pyrotechnics had unfortunately also brought in rain clouds which Gumball notices.

Gumball: Guess that my que to go. I'll see you guys later.

Gumball leaves, before Rain and Thunder begin to fall afterwards and Fionna looks heart-broken, but is so confused, as the trio make their way inside the TreeFort. After a while the rain starts to let up.

Cake: Rain's lettin' up. Hey, Fionna, come on, let's go do something.

(Y/N): Uhh... Fionna?

Fionna was laid down on the floor with two pictures of Gumball next to her as she sighs.

Cake: "BMO, put on a game."

BMO turns on a game only for Fionna to ignore it, lost in her own thoughts. The game stops as BMO looks concerned.

Fionna: I thought I was over it....

Cake: Over it?

Fionna: My crush on Gumball... I told him. I ripped off the bandage, but... I still feel something... And I don't know why...

Fionna sighs dejectedly.

Cake: Oh, Fionna... Auntie Cakey's gonna find you a new love interest. Come on (Y/N), you're helpin' me.

(Y/N) hums in agreement.

Cake puts on some boots and a backpack.

Cake: Fionna, I'm taking (Y/N) to help me with somethin'.

Fionna makes a pained and confused noise.

Cake: BMO, you look after her with your camera-eyes.

BMO: If anyone tries to hurt Fionna, I will kill them.

Cake: Ok, good.

(Y/N) walks over and pulls out his DSG-1 and gives it to BMO.

(Y/N): You got seven shots in the mag, make them count.

BMO salutes as the duo leave the Treefort.

Cake: I hate it when I see Fionna like this.

(Y/N): That's normal. Besides, this isn't surprising.

Cake: Yeah, but Fionna said she wasn't interest in Gumball no more.

(Y/N): But, since we kept hanging out with him as of late, it's rekindling some old feelings. Feelings she doesn't know how to resolve.

Cake: Welp, we're gonna find Fionna a new hottie for her to swoon over.

Cake grabs (Y/N) and stretches walking above the trees. They turn their attention to a loud womanish scream and see two metal owls above a clearing in the woods. Cake stretches over to the clearing and sees the metal owls hovering over a turned over wash tub with something hiding underneath.

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