Soldier's First Slumber Party

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[The Next Morning]

Morning has come as both Fionna and Cake wake up with a yawn. They both get ready which generally consisted of Cake grooming herself and Fionna using the bathroom. They both go to the living room only to see their new roommate reading a newspaper while he's being punched in the leg by a little green box, though Prophet doesn't feel it, not even knowing he's there.

BMO: Begone Intruder!

Prophet finally takes notice of the little box.

Prophet: What are you?

BMO: I am BMO!

BMO looks like a Macintosh computer with Game Boy Color buttons and Atari 2600 controllers

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BMO looks like a Macintosh computer with Game Boy Color buttons and Atari 2600 controllers. He also shares some traits with a Vectrex.

BMO is a medium-sized teal/blue-green gaming device, sometimes appearing with one or two controllers attached to them. When not being played, they have an 8-bit face.

Cake and Fionna see this as Cake just sighs frustrated.

Cake: I'm already regretting us taking him in...

Fionna: Come on Cake, he's just curious.

Cake: Mmhmm whatever, imma get breakfast started.

Cake walks over to the stove they have inside the house and starts cooking some bacon and eggs. Fionna just walk up to Prophet taking BMO off of him.

BMO: Fionna let me go! I have to deal with this intruder.

Fionna just giggles a bit at the tough guy attitude BMO's trying to put on.

Fionna: BMO it's fine, he's a new roommate.

BMO: Oh, So is he a new friend?

Fionna: I think he is.

Fionna sets BMO on the ground as Fionna sits at the table. After waiting a few moments, Cake comes over to the table with three plates of bacon and eggs setting them down.

Cake: Bon Appetit.

Fionna: Sweet!

Fionna starts eating and so does Cake. Fionna notices that Prophet isn't eating.

Fionna: Hey aren't you hungry?

Prophet: Hm? Oh, sorry, you two can split mine. I can't eat it anyway.

Fionna looks at him confused as he explains.

Prophet: To put it simply the suit's sealed tight, meaning I can't take it off. 'Not by normal means at least'.

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