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Ever since the events of obtaining the Enchiridion, revealing his real name and being officially a new hero things have changed a bit for (Y/N). He's gone on more adventures with them, becoming closer to the duo along the way.

They had unknowingly become accessories to child abduction, foiled another plan of the Ice Queen that became botched, almost killing her in the process, Fionna and Cake becoming lazy for a day when they released psychotic business men from a iceberg, Cake having issues with balancing her love life with Mo-chro and her adventuring life which ended up causing a weird kid named Tiffany to become some obsessive weirdo, solving a bunch of convoluted problems for multiple people and finding out how Cake found Fionna on a leaf, and the two temporarily becoming wizards because the suit wouldn't even allow his participation in the test not that he wanted to as he owned a gun which  was all he needed. Even so (Y/N) goes on little solo trips here and there still looking for the old caches left behind, sadly having no luck.

The three were currently inside Fionna and Cake's shared bedroom as there was a heavy storm outside, to pass the time Cake started to tell a story, a candle being the only light source.

Cake: As it walked through the carnage it had wrought, the vampire smashed their skulls just for fun!

Fionna: No way!

Cake: You bet, it did. The vampire hunched over its victims, breathing in the vapor of their blood.

Fionna: Cake are these stories true or are you just messin with my head? You gotta tell me the truth to.

Cake: It's the truth. I heard it from a reliable source.

(Y/N): 'A part of me doubts that.'

Fionna: Reliable? Dang its gotta be legit then.

Cake: Some people say it haunts this very tree!

Fionna: And now I think your making this stuff up.

Cake takes the candle and climbs down the ladder taking in an ominous tone.

Cake: Goood niiiight...

Fionna: I'm calling your bluff!

Cake continues to make ghost noises from downstairs.

Fionna: You believe her?

(Y/N) shrugs.

(Y/N): Not really, but hey who knows, night Fionna.

(Y/N) starts going down the ladder. Fionna tries to go to sleep until she hears something crawling, looking near the base of her bed she sees a worm.


She decides to throw the enchiridion at it. Fionna then hears tapping on the window seeing a tree branch hitting it, she then sees a mysterious figure tapping the window. Lightning strikes showing the figure's horrifying face causing Fionna to scream as she runs downstairs with a flashlight. The entire living room has been lit up with candles.

Fionna: Cake! (Y/N)! I saw someone outside the window! It has to be a vampire, we need to get ready!

Cake: Fionna, slow your roll. I made that story up. Just trying to scare ya a bit.

Fionna: You said you heard it from a reliable source!

Cake: I made that up too! I was givin you goosebumps and it worked!

Cake laughs until the window blows open extinguishing all the candles causing Cake's tail to frizz up as she screamed.

Fionna: No one's outside.

Cake composes herself playing off how scared she was.

(Y/N): What happen to not being scared?

Cake: Ha! I wasn't scared, I was singin. I was singin my screamin cat song!

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