S2 Susan Stronk

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Fionna, Cake, (Y/N) and Prince Gumball are standing in a field of stumps as Gumball tells the story of why. (Y/N) only being there for the history information of what happened while he was dormant.

Gumball: And here at this site, my Great Uncle Gumbald cut down all these taffy trees in a single night.

(Y/N): Seems this Gumbald was the Paul Bunyan of your era. History repeats itself. Kind of.

Fionna: I bet he cut them down cause they were evil. Right?

Gumball: Nah. Hey, but I bet they have a ton of stories about your human relatives.

Fionna: Um... not really. I've never even met any other humans besides (Y/N). If I think about it too much, sometimes I get all soul-searchy and weeeeiiirrrd... It doesn't happen as much but it can still happen

Gumball gets embarrassed about this quickly changing the subject for bringing up a sensitive topic.

Gumball: Ohhh, boy... I've made things awkward. Let's forget about that. I brought you guys here because I need your help to rip out all these stumps for me!

Fionna replies half-heartedly and in a dazed tone.

Fionna: Okay... I guess so...

Meanwhile the three see that (Y/N) has some how ripped a stump out of the ground with nothing but his bare hands.

Fionna: Hey (Y/N) how'd you do that without your robo-suit or whatever.

(Y/N) turns to Fionna and tilts his head confusingly.

(Y/N): What do you mean? These things have been here forever, they're rotten.

Gumball: Well, I'm glad to see you out of that funk... about being the--

(Y/N):--person who's gonna start helping me with this.

Gumball picks up on this goes along with it.

Gumball: Yes! Well... I'm gonna scram for now, I'll see you fellas later!

He quickly runs off leaving the trio to take care of the stumps.

(Y/N): FUCK!! OW!

Fionna and Cake see that (Y/N) is holding his hand in pain. As the two run over to check on him.

Cake: Are you okay?

(Y/N): No! Feels like I hit a steel wall! Wait...a steel wall?

Fionna moves some vegetation on top to reveal the thing (Y/N) hit was a hatch.

Cake: Looks like a hatch.

Fionna: Let's check it out.

Fionna opens the hatch and jumps in, Cake and (Y/N) does the same following after her. The group now find themselves in a dark room filled with old garbage, water, and buildings. Fionna pulls out a flashlight from her backpack.

Fionna: Man, its crazy dark here.

Fionna turns on the flashlight as they continue to explore the area.

(Y/N): These are pre-war ruins. Judging by the buildings were currently on the roof of one of the flooded buildings.

Cake: Wherever we are, it's a dump. Who woulda lived in a place like this.

(Y/N): It wasn't always like this.

Fionna's flashlight goes out as she tries to get it to turn back on.

A figure appears behind them with the only thing being capable of being seen were its glowing green eyes. This startles the group as the group runs backwards into a pile of garbage revealing more figures underneath, (Y/N) pulls his gun out to try and aim to keep them at bay not wanting to waste shots by shooting in the dark.

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