S2 Mortal Recoil

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When we last left off the hero's had just had their battle with the Lich and Gumball had fallen into the Well of Power. Right now he's currently being rushed to the Candy Kingdom's ER with a crowd gathered around.

Nurse Pound Cake: What's his condition, Dr. Ice Cream?

Dr. Ice Cream: He's totally gross over 90% of his body. The other 10% is crazy nasty.

Nurse Pound Cake: Will he make it, Doctor?

Dr. Ice Cream's voice takes a grave tone.

Dr. Ice Cream: I don't know, Nurse Pound Cake.

They have now made it to the Emergency Room as a heart monitor beeps in the back.

Dr. Ice Cream: Put sugar on im'! Two scoops.

They dump to hand scoops of sugar onto his body; his heart monitor starts to flat-line.

Dr. Ice Cream: We losing im'.

Ice Queen: No! Not my number one! You have any idea how hard it is for me to call someone my number one!? Gumball, so help me if you die I'll never forgive you!

Fionna shuts her up by delivering an angry punch at her. (Y/N) has to hold her back to stop her from starting a fight.

Dr. Ice Cream: Wait, Fionna!

Fionna: What?!

Dr. Ice Cream: His sugar level are stabilizing!

Everyone cheers at Gumball's recovery as his body regains his normal shape, but his skin has taken a grayish-blue hue.

Gumball: Yes, I'm fine. I just need to rest.

Ice Queen: Oh, Darling! Are you alright?! Is there anything weird about him? I can't see through these pain tears!

Dr. Ice Cream: He's fine. Why?

Ice Queen: Cause after he fell in I saw something strange happen. Something I still don't understand.

Fionna hurls a sword at the Ice Queen that nearly hit her.

Ice Queen: AGH! Wait! Listen to me!!

Fionna: NO! Just zip it, ya old hag!

Ice Queen: Old Hag?! I'm not old!

Cake: Honey, your hecka old.

Everyone starts to agree with Cake.

Ice Queen: Old? I'm... I see. It's all making sense now.

Ice Queen blasts out a window with her magic.

Ice Queen: I'm going, Gumball. I'm sorry if my skin grossed you out. Nobody wants to see this old skin, I guess.


(Y/N): Will you relax?!

The Ice Queen flies off.

Fionna: Sorry, about that PG.

Gumball: The ice witch is a weak fool.

(Y/N): That doesn't sound like the usual Gumball.

Raggedy Prince comes running in with a backpack on his head.

Raggedy Prince: Fionna! Fionna! The other prince's and I made you a new backpack!

Fionna: Whoa Raggedy Prince! It's so awesome! Thanks dude.

Raggedy Prince: Y-You're welcome, Fionna!

Raggedy Prince runs off blushing.

(Y/N): Must be a shy one.

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