What Have You Done?!

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It's late at night in the Ice Kingdom. Fionna, Cake and (Y/N) pop their heads out after a few penguin guards pass by. Fionna and Cake sneakily maneuver past the penguins while (Y/N) simply cloaks and walks past.

Fionna: Alright, our secret mission to capture the Ice Queen is underway.

Cake: You probably shouldn't say that out loud.

The Ice Queen is seen intently reading a book before her focus is broken by a ringing of a doorbell.

Ice Queen: Bah! Who could it be at this hour?! I'm always interrupted before the best part!

Ice Queen walks to the edge of her door, shooting ice bolts outside in an attempt to hit any intruders. She turns her attention to the can of peanut brittle that's on the ground.

Ice Queen: Peanut Brittle? I'm on a diet, so no thank you.

Ice Queen turns her head away before glancing back at the can her will crumbling.

Ice Queen: I guess one bite wouldn't hurt...

She opens the can and Cake pops out grabbing her tiara.

Cake: Shoulda stuck to your diet, bubble butt!

Ice Queen: Tomboy, you have ruined my faith in canned confectionaries! And I don't have a bubble butt!!

Ice Queen tries to blast Fionna and Cake which fails as her tiara is what contains her powers. (Y/N) uncloaks from behind her holding wrap tackling her tying her up. Cake then grabs the Ice Queen who is now gagged and tied up, struggling to get out.

Cake: Imma carry you like a big baby.

Cake wraps the Ice Queen even more, who in-turn struggles more.

Fionna: We finally captured the Ice Queen! Score! Up High!

Fionna goes to high five you, but you don't return the gesture.

Cake: Remind me why we're doin' this again?

Fionna: Gumball explained it to us back at the Tree Fort remember?

A flashback shows the trio at the Tree Fort talking to Gumball over a hologram and him telling the three to capture the Ice Queen.

Cake: Hmm... That doesn't explain much.

Fionna: He's probably got a good reason.

(Y/N): I'm not buying it. You think he would've told the both of you at least if it was something so important that we would need to kidnap the Ice Queen of all people.

Fionna: True... Maybe we can ask him when we get to the Candy Kingdom.

The Trio make their way back to the Candy Kingdom which is now covered in gloomy fog and a dark storm.

Fionna: Where is everyone?

Cake: This is given me the creeps, makin my fur stand on end.

(Y/N): The chemical compounds here are those used for fumigation. Maybe Gumball finally gets it that candy brings bugs.

Fionna elbows you. As the three of you see Prince Gumball wearing a plaque doctor mask walking towards them spraying fumigation gas.

Gumball: Ich bin hier, Fionna.

Fionna and Cake freak out before calming down when he takes off the mask.

Gumball: Calm down, It's me. Did you bring her?

Fionna: Yep!

Cake shows the Ice Queen who continues to struggle.

(Y/N): Fess up, Gumball. What--

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