S2 Mortal Folly

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After the events of the birthday bash and (Y/N) quickly giving Fionna her gift as he had nearly forgotten which was a sword made out of the Armor of Zeldron. Now on a gloomy looking day Fionna, Cake, Gumball, and (Y/N) are meditating.

Cake: "Ommmmm..."

Fionna: "Cake, this is boring... What am I supposed to be meditatin' about"?

Cake: "Don't know. I'm imagining a house made of fish".

Gumball: Thanks for coming over to try this with me, you guys. Now try to clear your mind.

The four inhale deeply. Fionna exhales; her thought bubble shows herself as an heroic adult. Cake exhales; her thought bubble shows Lord Monochromicorn riding a bird. Gumball and (Y/N) exhale as they appear to have the same thought bubble of an ominous figure muttering in front of fire chanting quietly. Gumball gasps and (Y/N) jumps up and runs to the edge, dry heaving.

Gumball: I have to go check on something!

Fionna: Can we go with?

Gumball: Fionna...

(Y/N): Gumball... If I saw the same thing you did, then they have the right to know.

Gumball sighs

Gumball: ...Perhaps you guys are ready to go with.

Fionna and Cake high five.

Gumball: You'll need to put  on. Fionna, pull back your hat.

Fionna does so as Gumball puts a Jewelry Headband on her head. A protective sphere surrounds appears around her head. He does so for Cake as the same thing happens.

Gumball: I'm sorry (Y/N). I only had the two, you'll have to stay here.

(Y/N): I'm going, that's finale. The suit...did something to me. I know it sounds weird, but you'll have to trust me...

Gumball: ...Alright, but stay close and don't wander off. I'm serious about this.

(Y/N): I know.

Gumball: Stay close to me.

Gumball claps in a pattern of 1 then 2 then 3 then 4. Peppermint Butler appears and blows a bubble which engulfs the group. The bubble rises to the canopy of the castle tree.

Gumball: At the heart of this tree lies an ancient evil, captured in a prison of amber-The Lich.

Gumball: At the heart of this tree lies an ancient evil, captured in a prison of amber-The Lich

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Mysterious chanting is heard throughout the room. (Y/N) takes out his gun and has it ready, but his demeanor has changed, shaking in fear, swallowing loudly.

Fionna: What's that sound?

Gumball: Casting spells, he's trying to get into your head and take control. For us our gems protect us, as for (Y/N) his suit probably did something to help protect him before it broke. But if we lost these gems, we'd be defenseless. He would have total control over us.

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