Prisoners of Love

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It's early in the morning with the sun just poking above the horizon. Prophet was reading a few books that he had found within the Tree Fort, only to notice

Prophet: Hmm?

A.I: [Warning-Surrounding Temperature currently is 65 degrees Celsius and rising]

Prophet: The hell?

Fionna and Cake come down into the living room looking exhausted. Fionna was still in her pajamas as a sweat stain around her neck could be seen. Cake is looks lightheaded as the heat is effecting her even more due to her fur.

Fionna: Glob...why is it so flippin hot?

Cake: Heck if I know...oh mama...I need to lie down...

Prophet: Morning you two, what's up with you?

Fionna looks at Prophet and how it looks like he can't even feel the intense heat, making her slightly jealous.

Fionna: What do you mean "what's up" can't you feel this heat... Let me guess that suit keeps you cool too.

Fionna says that last remark bitterly to which Prophet goes to say something only to keep his mouth shut, as he doesn't want to deal with the aftermath. Prophet puts the book he was reading down and walks to the window, his eyes widen, calling over his roommates.

Prophet: I think I found the source of your heat problem...

Fionna and Cake drag themselves to the window looking out to see a sleeping lava monster in front of their Tree Fort making Fionna and Cake groan.

Cake: Oh Glob! Who knows how long that lava monster will sleep for!

Fionna: We need to beat this heat...

Fionna thinks for a second as she comes up with an idea as she goes over to Prophet, whispering something in his ear making him nod. Prophet goes outside while Cake looks at Fionna curiously.

Cake: The heck you ask him for?

Fionna: You'll find out. Let me grab my sweater he'll meet up with us at the Ice Kingdom.

Cake: Better then being in this heat.


Fionna, now wearing a cream colored sweater, and Cake along with Prophet are seen sledding down hills in the Ice Kingdom. Fionna and Cake are laughing their butts off with Prophet trying to keep the carved wood board he made steady. They go down a hill at high speeds, smashing into the head of a snow golem, who quickly replaces it with a cat head made of snow, meows. The trio goes up into the air, only to come crashing down resulting in the board breaking down the middle.

Fionna: Aw, man, the sleds broken. Sorry about that.

Prophet: No worries, I'm surprised it lasted that long to begin with.

Fionna: How bout we build one out of snow?

Cake: I got a better idea.

Cake grows to a giant size, putting Fionna on her back.

Cake: Hey Suit-boy, how about a race?

Prophet looks at Cake and nods as he pick up one half of the broken board, tossing it on the ground, using it as a snowboard, putting one foot on it to steady himself.

Cake: Count us down Baby!

Fionna: Three, Two, One, Go!

They both take off down a hill, They hit hills left and right with Cake and Prophet being neck and neck.

Adventure Time x Male Reader {Post Apocalyptic Soldier}Where stories live. Discover now