Chapter 13: The Blue Spirit

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(a/n): Any of the gifs/art do NOT belong to me

Third person POV:

Saori watched as Sokka threw another coughing fit. Wrapped up in his sleeping bag, the nonbender was sweating profusely.

"You know what I love about Appa the most?" He asked. "His sense of humour."

"That's nice, I'll tell him." Katara spoke as Appa growled.

"Classic Appa." Sokka giggled.

"How's Sokka doing?" Aang approached the siblings.

"No so good, the storm really did a number on him."

"I couldn't find any ginger root for the tea, but I found a map. There is an herbal institute on top of that mountain." Aang turned to Saori. "We could probably find a cure for Sokka there."

A small creature flew towards the sorcerer and landed on her lap.

"I just finished what now.." She murmured under her breath. Untieing the parchment from the creature's leg it vanished.

"What happened this time?" Katara asked Saori.

"There were sightings of a snake like spirit, I have to go investigate." Saori looked up. "I'll be back before midnight."

Handing Aang a kunai, Saori added, "Use it if you need my help."

A portal opened underneath her feet as she blurted out a goodbye.

The second the portal closed, a cough erupted out Katara's throat.

"Not you too." Aang lightly gasped.

"Relax, it was just a cough, I am fine-" Katara let out another series of coughs.

"That's how Sokka started yesterday, now look at him! He thinks he's an earthbender."

"Take that you rock." Sokka croaked.

"A few more hours and you'll be talking nonsense too." Aang stated. "I am going to find some medicine."

With that the airbender walked away.

Time skip

"It says here that the avatar can create tornados and run faster than the wind." A man read the poster.

"That's just a bunch of Firelord propaganda, there's no way that's true." The other argued.

Aang's POV:

I was running as fast as my legs could go, when I saw a small hut, not stopping I ran past it accidentally destroying it.

"Sorry!" I blurted out an apology as they blew a horn.


I ran up the stairs and reached a destroyed structure with a hut next to it.

Third person POV:

The avatar ran inside the hut and panted. "Hello! I am sorry to barge in like this, but I need some medicine for my friends, they have fever and have been coughin-"

"Settle down young man, your friends are going to be fine." The old woman interupted. "I've been up here for over forty years, you know, used to be others but they all left years ago. Now it's just me and Miyuki." The woman pet the cat.

"That's nice."

"Wounded Earth Kingdom troups still come by now and then. Brave boys, and thanks to my remedies they always leave in better shape then when they arrive."

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