Chapter 17: Northern Air Temple

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(a/n): filler chapter? Idk. May be a little short.

Third person POV:

Sokka dragged a sceptical Saori behind the mechanist.

The man lead the two teenagers to a wooden door.

"Why did you use fireflies as a light source?" Sokka opened the lamp's lid.

"Fireflies are a non-flameable light source." He explained. "Cover your nose and hold your breath."

The teens obliged as the man opened the slot in the door.

"You brought us all the way here just to see an empty room?" Saori raised an eyebrow.

"Wrong it's filled to the brim with natural gas. Came across it my first time here. Unfortunately I was carrying a torch at the time and nearly blew myself and the whole place even more sky high. My eyebrows have never grown back, anyways, there's a vital problem that needs solving, time to time we have gas leaks practically impossible to find."

"So this place is an explosion waiting to happen." Sokka concluded.

"Yes, until I figure out how to locate something I can't see, hear, smell or touch."

Time skip

Sokka bumped into a shelf and made a few things fall.

"I said don't touch anything!" The mechanist shouted.

Saori was in her own world, reading a book about gases which she had borrowed from Wan Shi Tong.

"Natural gas, natural gas, natural gas.." She browsed through the pages looking for the name.

"Guys?" Saori called to gain the two's attention. "Natural gas can soak up smells so-"

"If we put a lot of rotten eggs near the gas-" Sokka interupted.

"And the gas soaks up the smell-" the mechanist interupted the boy.

"We will be able to detect if there is a leak." Saori completed as she closed the book.

"We would just have to follow our noses to the source and-" Sokka spoke.

"Plug up the hole where the gas is escaping." Saori completed.

"You kids are geniuses!" The man exclaimed.

A bell nearby started to ring as the older man got up and rushed away. "Something's wrong, I've got to go."

Saori and Sokka stood up and followed the man.

The three arrived where Aang, Katara and Teo were. They were standing if front of a massive room filled with weapons for the fire nation.

"You don't understand!" The man tried to explain.

"You're making weapons for the fire nation!" Aang accused.

"You make weapons for the fire nation?!" Sokka shouted.

"Explain all this. Now!" Two demanded.

"It was about a year after we moved here." The man began. "Fire nation soldiers found our settlement. You were too young to remember this tale. They were going to destroy everything, burn it to the ground! I pleaded with them, I begged them to spare us. They asked what I had to offer, I offered my services." He looked directly in Teo's eyes. "You must understand! I did this for you!"

Teo's eyes teared up as he looked away from his father.

Time skip

"We finally got the war balloon working thanks to Saori and Sokka. These two are geniuses." The mechanist explained.

"Thank you, you're a genius." Saori and Sokka said at the same time.

"Thank you."

Saori and Sokka explained the problem and the solution to the rest.

The gang split up as Saori, Sokka and Teo's dad went to get the war balloon while the rest prepared for the attack.

Time skip

Saori nodded to Sokka who put the lid on the hole as the war ballon gained height.

The teens tended the fire while the mechanist steered the invention.

The balloon passed over the Fire Nation tanks but none of them attacked.

"Why aren't they attacking us?" Sokka peered down.

"I made sure to make insignia the fire nation symbol, they think we're on their side." Saori explained.

"Then I think they won't see this coming." Sokka cut off one of the ropes, dropping the slime onto the tanks.

"Do you smell rotten eggs or is it just me?" Saori sniffed the air around her.

"Wait, there! That's where the gas is escaping!" Sokka pointed.

Saori looked at Sokka who nodded. The two disconnected the fuel source but where stopped by the man.

"What are you two doing?!" He shouted. "That's our fuel source!"

"It's the only bomb we've got." Sokka pushed the oldest away.

Saori and Sokka completely disconnected the fuel source and threw it at the leak.

The metal clanked as it hit the rock and landed with a thud. Everyone held their breath hoping that the fuel landed in the perfect place when....

A massive explosion occurred as the gas exploded.

As the dust cleared a barrier came into view as Sokka's head snapped in Saori's direction.

He could see a ghost of a smile on her features as the barrier slowly faded.

"Look! They're retreating!" Saori hear Aang's voice in the distance as louder cheers erupted

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"Look! They're retreating!" Saori hear Aang's voice in the distance as louder cheers erupted.

The balloon jerked as Sokka screeched. "WE'RE GOING DOWN!"

Saori wrapped two whips around the nonbenders and sent a third one to the Temple.

She used the whips as ropes as she and the two went up and landed on the ground.

Time skip

"This defeat is the gateway to many victories." The war minister smirked as the firebenders mended the war balloon.

Published- 17th May 2022
(a/n): sorry if it seems rushed. Because it was.
900< Words

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