Chapter 18: The waterbending master

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(a/n): Two chapters in one day? Good going me.

Third person POV:

"You've been to the Northern Water Tribe Saori, how come you don't know where it is?" Sokka raised an eyebrow.

"Because, Sokka, I just teleport there."

Before the conversation could go any further, sharp slopes of ice came towards Appa and Aang tried his best to avoid them.

The siblings screamed hanging onto the bison's saddle for dear life while Saori blankly stared at them.

Boats full of people emerged from the icebergs and captured Appa, stopping him from flying away.

"They're waterbenders! We found the water tribe!" Katara exclaimed.

Saori put on her hat before jumping onto one of the boats.

"Yo." She raised her hand as a greeting.

"Saori!" A boy hugged the girl.

The boats lead Appa to the tribe's walls as Aang excitedly pointed to it.

The waterbenders guided the gang inside. As the three were looking around and waving to the gathering crowds Saori was infront of them along with three other waterbenders.

The sorcerer saw the princess in a boat who gave her a wave. Giving her a polite smile Saori jumped onto Appa's saddle.

"This place is beautiful." Katara told Saori who nodded.

"Yea, she is.." Sokka sighed dreamily.

Saori saw the nonbender staring at the princess. A ghost of a smile made its way on her face.

Time skip

"Tonight, we celebrate the arrival of our brother and sister of the Southern Water Tribe." Chief Arnook announced. "And they have brought with them someone very special. Someone who many of us believe disappeared from the world and until now... The Avatar!" The chief pointed to Aang.

"And of course we have our old friend, The Wandering Sorcerer with us." He completed.

"We also celebrate my daughter's sixteenth birthday." He stepped aside revealing Yue. "Princess Yue is now of marrying age."

"Thank you father, may the great ocean and moon spirit watch over us during these troubled times." Yue spoke.

"Now master Pakku and his students will perform." Arnook spoke.

Saori slightly shifted at the name of Pakku, the girl had not been the biggest fan of the master ever since the first time she was here.

Yue sat between Saori and Sokka while Saori just gave her a nod as a greeting, Sokka started an awkward conversation with a lot of pauses.

After Sokka had nothing else to say Yue turned to Saori and asked her about her travels.

As a princess, Yue never got a chance to go out of the tribe and see the world outside. So, when Saori first came to the tribe two years ago, Yue was interested in her travel stories and it had become a tradition between the girls that Saori would bring gifts and trinkets for Yue.

Saori poked the princess's arm and placed a bracelet next to her. Yue smiled and hid it in her sleave. "Thank you." Yue whispered.

Time skip

As the feast came to an end Yue pulled Saori away and guided her to the palace. The sorcerer wouldn't say it out loud but she secretly enjoyed the princess's company and Yue knew that.

The girls spent the rest of the night catching up to what had happened in their lives.

Time skip

Yue cracked her eyes open only to see a sleeping Saori curled up next to her, a smile crept onto her face as she lightly shook the girl awake. "Saori, Saori, you have to wake up!"

The girl jerked awake with a light gasp. "Oh sweet Kami.." Saori breathed out.

Earning a small chuckle from the princess the two freshened up and head out the palace.

Saori bid the princess goodbye as she walked around to find Aang, Katara and Sokka.

Time skip

Yue looked around the tribe trying to find Saori. The only place left was the spirit oasis. She walked to the area and found the sorcerer sitting infront of the pond blankly staring at the koi fish.

"Saori?" Yue called out.

The girl turned her head to the princess and gave her a faint smile indicating her to continue.

"Why are you here? Is something wrong?" Yue sat down next to her.

"I miss Mai.." Saori mumbled. "Anyway, I saw you talking to Sokka." She changed the subject.

Yue knew not to force Saori to talk about anything and went along with it.

Time skip

Saori was shaken awake by the princess for the second time.

Dragging the grumbling Saori behind, Yue sat down next to her father. Patting a empty seat next to her, Yue pulled Saori next to her.

"Why is she sitting next to Yue?" Sokka pointed to Saori.

"She is 'Princess' Yue's cousin." Arnook exaggerated the word 'princess'.


"Her mother was my sister." Arnook sighed. "But that is not what we are here for."

Time skip

"I'll be outside of you're man enough to fight me." Katara challenged as she stormed off.

"I'm sure she didn't mean that.." Aang nervously smiled.

"She ment every word of it Aang." Saori jumped down next to Sokka.

The three followed Katara down the stairs. "Are you crazy Katara?" Sokka asked. "You can't win this fight!"

"Beat his ass Katara, It's fine if you don't win, as long as you get a hit, I'm satisfied." Saori smirked as she caught Katara's coat.

"I know, I don't care!" Katara told Sokka.

"You don't have to do this for me." Aang pleaded. Thinking that she was doing it for him. "I can find another teacher."

"I'm not doing it for you!" Katara exclaimed. "Someone needs to slap some sense into that guy."

Time skip

Yue ran of crying as Saori urged Sokka to follow her.

The sun slowly disappeared as the moon took its place.

Saori was helping a lady carry some groceries to her house when she saw Sokka and Yue kissing on the bridge. She made a mental note to tease the girl about it afterwards.

As she was walking back to Katara, Aang offered her to join them for tomorrow's waterbending lesson.

Accepting the invite Saori changed her cloths and went to bed.

Time skip

Saori was doing a complicated form while Aang was struggling with his own.

"What do you think you're doing?" Pakku asked as Saori heard Katara pant. "It's past sunrise. You're late"

"Katara, good to see you here." Aang smiled.

"You too." Katara smiled back.

"Saori show us the next move." Pakku called out as Saori nodded.

Published- 17th May 2022
1000< Words

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